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STD Shocker Rocker

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2022-03-02 20:44:41
Creation time: 2021-09-08 15:38:29

The circuit operates as following: The pole pin is directly connected to VCC to the NC pin of the relay will be energiezed. The NC pin is connected to the coil which is connected to GND on the other side. So the coil will get energinzed and put the pole to the NO position and turning the coil of. To lengthen the energization period of the coil a 22uF capacitor is put in parallel to keep the coil energized for a longer peritod of time so the pole has enough time to connect to the NO position. When the relay pole is connected to the NO pin of the relay, the transformer primary will become energized but when the relay coil de-energizes, the magnetic feild of the transformer will collapse out puting a very high voltage in the secondary which is why cut-outs are needed to prevent arcing across the PCB. The HV on the transformer secondary maynot arc so a 1uF capacitor is put in parallel to the primary of the transformer so the primary and secondary will oscillate giving the secondary more time to arc on the output terminals so the shocker looks more meanacing.

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