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STD Grove - MOSFET copy


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Cloned from Grove - MOSFET

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Update time: 2018-08-04 11:21:45
Creation time: 2018-08-04 11:21:43
Grove - MOSFET -------------- Grove – MOSFET enables you to control higher voltage project, say 15VDC, with low voltage, say 5V, on microcontroller. MOSFET is also a kind of switch, but its switching frequency can reach up to 5MHz, much faster than normal mechanical relay. There are two screw terminals on the board. One for outer power source and the other for device you want to control. Grove – MOSFET will pass the power from one end to another when closed. But if outer power source is absent, your device can still draw power from microcontroller via the Grove interface. ![enter image description here][1] Specification Working voltage: 5V Vin: 5 ~ 15V MOSFET Model: CJQ4435 For more detail, please visit: http://www.seeedstudio.com/item_detail.html?p_id=1594 // demo of Grove - MOSFET // use pin 6 to control a motor int motorPin = 6; void setup() { Serial.begin(38400); pinMode(motorPin, OUTPUT); Serial.println("Grove - MOSFET Test Demo!"); } void loop() { motorOnThenOffWithSpeed(); motorAcceleration(); } void motorOnThenOffWithSpeed() { int onSpeed = 200; // a number between 0 (stopped) and 255 (full speed) int onTime = 2500; int offSpeed = 50; // a number between 0 (stopped) and 255 (full speed) int offTime = 1000; analogWrite(motorPin, onSpeed); delay(onTime); analogWrite(motorPin, offSpeed); delay(offTime); } void motorAcceleration() { int delayTime = 50; for(int i=0; i=0; i--) { analogWrite(motorPin, i); delay(delayTime); } } With Raspberry Pi 1.You should have got a raspberry pi and a grovepi or grovepi+. 2.You should have completed configuring the development enviroment, otherwise follow here. 3.Connection Plug the sensor to grovepi socket D6 by using a grove cable. 4.Navigate to the demos' directory: cd yourpath/GrovePi/Software/Python/ To see the code nano grove_mosfet.py # "Ctrl+x" to exit # import time import grovepi # Connect the Grove MOSFET to analog port D6 # SIG,NC,VCC,GND mosfet = 6 grovepi.pinMode(mosfet,"OUTPUT") time.sleep(1) while True: try: # Full speed grovepi.analogWrite(mosfet,255) print "full speed" time.sleep(2) # Half speed grovepi.analogWrite(mosfet,128) print "half speed" time.sleep(2) # Off grovepi.analogWrite(mosfet,0) print "off" time.sleep(2) except KeyboardInterrupt: grovepi.analogWrite(mosfet,0) break except IOError: print "Error" 5.Run the demo. sudo python grove_mosfet.py [1]: http://www.seeedstudio.com/document/pics/static_image.gif
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ID Name Designator Quantity
2 S9013 Q2 1
3 1K R2 1
4 100K R3 1
5 TWIG-4P-2.0 J2 1
6 1N4148 D1 1
8 SS0520-7-F D2 1
9 10K R1 1
10 SS54B D3 1
11 CJQ4435 Q1 1
12 PAD-MARK P1,P2,P3,P4 4


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