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STD Lipochargeur5


Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-04-09 11:19:49
Creation time: 2015-12-01 10:30:41
2 layer board of 1.39x0.48 inches (35.26x12.17 mm). It’s a lipo charger with load sharing The first version is working but make an error with the implement mosfet and the connector names New version V2.0( not tested) update yes it’s working ! of my lipo charger. Change the mosfet implement error. Change the shunt implement on the bottom. Add DIP switch from TE Connectivity cmeypoub@sfr.fr C1 4.7 uF CAP0805 0805 C2 4.7 uF CAP0805 0805 C3 1 uF CAP0805 0805 D1 DIODE-SCHOTTKY DIODE-SCHOTTKY SMA-DIODE JP1 USBPCB USBPCB USB-A-PCB USB Connectors JP2 M02POLAR_LOCK JP3 M02POLAR_LOCK LED1 Charge LEDCHIPLED_0805 red LED2 Full LEDCHIPLED_0805 green Q1 MOSFET-PCHANNELSMD MOSFET-PCHANNELSMD SOT23-3 R1 150 RESISTOR0805-RES 0805 Resistor R2 150 RESISTOR0805-RES 0805 Resistor R3 15 K RESISTOR0805-RES 0805 Resistor R4 33 K RESISTOR0805-RES 0805 Resistor R5 12 K RESISTOR0805-RES 0805 Resistor R6 8,2 K RESISTOR0805-RES 0805 Resistor R7 5,6 K RESISTOR0805-RES 0805 Resistor R8 100 K RESISTOR0805-RES 0805 Resistor U1 MCP73831 MCP73831 SOT23-5 Miniature single cell, fully integrated Li-Ion, Li-polymer charge management controller IC-09995
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