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Update time: 2022-04-05 10:24:42
Creation time: 2019-11-23 12:54:46
CANtact-compaable USB to CAN bus adapter. Based on https://github.com/linklayer/cantact-hw Firmware: https://github.com/Aeronavics/candleLight_fw
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Supplier Part BOM_Manufacturer BOM_Manufacturer Part
1 100pF C2,C3 CAP_0805 2 LCSC C396715 Walsin Tech Corp 0805B101K501CT
2 10uF C4,C9 CAP-SMD_L3.2-W1.6 2 LCSC C190447 Sunlord TC211A106M006Y
3 100nF C6,C7 CAP_0805 2 LCSC C396715 Walsin Tech Corp 0805B101K501CT
4 Header-Male-2.54_1x2 H1,H3 HDR-2X1/2.54 2 LCSC C86471 TE Connectivity 826629-2
5 FC-2012HYK-588J LED1,LED2,LED3 LED0805-FD 3 LCSC C84261 NATIONSTAR FC-2012HYK-588J
6 1k R1 0805 1 LCSC C228274 YAGEO AC0805FR-0711R8L
7 120 R2 0805 1 LCSC C228274 YAGEO AC0805FR-0711R8L
8 1.2k R3,R5,R8 0805 3 LCSC C228274 YAGEO AC0805FR-0711R8L
9 1.8 R4,R9 1812 2 LCSC C174682 Ever Ohms Tech CR1812F1R8E04
10 5.6k R6,R7 0805 2 LCSC C228274 YAGEO AC0805FR-0711R8L
11 10k R10 0805 1 LCSC C228274 YAGEO AC0805FR-0711R8L
12 STM32F042C6T6 U1 LQFP-48_7X7X05P 1 LCSC C88447 STMicroelectronics STM32F042C6T6
13 AP1117EG-13 U2 SOT-223-3_L6.5-W3.4-P2.30-LS7.0-BR 1 LCSC C110460 DIODES AP1117EG-13
14 MCP2551T-I/SN U3 SOIC-8_L5.0-W4.0-P1.27-LS6.0-BL 1 LCSC C49558 MICROCHIP MCP2551T-I/SN
15 TJA1055T/C,518 U4 SOIC-14_L8.7-W3.9-P1.27-LS6.0-BL 1 LCSC C63049 NXP TJA1055T/C,518
16 DB128L-5.08-2P-OG-S U5,U6 CONN-TH_2P-P5.08_DB128L-5.08-2P-OG-S 2 LCSC C430603 DIBO DB128L-5.08-2P-OG-S
17 1734035-1 USB2 MINI-USB-SMD_1734035-1 1 LCSC C428483 TE Connectivity 1734035-1


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