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STD USB Hub rev0 copy


Mode: Editors' pick

Cloned from USB Hub rev0

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Update time: 2019-06-30 04:19:15
Creation time: 2019-06-29 18:57:43
2 layer board of 1.59x2.20 inches (40.34x55.88 mm). Updated rev2 This is a board for an home made tiny USB hub. Board + BOM cost less than 10€/unit for 3 units (Farnell components + OSHpark board + USB chip, see below). Hub is based on Genesys Logic GL850G chip The Genesys Logic (taiwanese manufacturer) chip is the hardest component to find but it only cost 0.67€/unit for 4 units. In Europe, you can find it at Arduiner online store (it). usb hub (ignore through hole capacitors near quartz, I ordered the wrong SMD capacitors and must use these instead) You can choose to solder USB0A (A male) or USB0B (B female). USB0A is mainly there because I need to extend Raspberry Pi rev A single port, so I can connect the hub directly to it without cable. The hub works in bus powered or self powered mode, you just need to solder appropriate jumper. There is no DC jack for self powered, you must connect external supply to EXT 5V. It is a 3 ports hub but there is a fourth port available via EXT D+/D-. IMPORTANT There is a bug in this rev0 board with R4 and LED2 : do not solder (board works without that, led is about sleep mode). This is fixed in attached rev1 schematics and board files.
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