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STD Ordered - Arduino (USB Powered)


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Update time: 2020-11-28 20:09:54
Creation time: 2020-04-02 00:49:16
2020-04-02 JLCPCB - Order Number W202004021058436 (PCB (Y5-2850767A) & SMT (SMT020040229319-2850767A)) - 5pc - SMT Bottom side. LCSC - Order Number 20200402R2L5 - Tracking Number (DHL) CNDFJFH200402NWSB.
Design Drawing
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Supplier Part BOM_Manufacturer BOM_Manufacturer Part
1 IC seat SK1 DIP-28_L36.0-W10.2-P2.54-LS10.2-BL 1 LCSC C16653 Boom Precision Elec -
2 16MHz X1 OSC-TH_L10.0-W4.5-P5.00 1 LCSC C16212 YXC X49SD16MSD2SC
3 Header-Female-2.54_1x10 J1 HDR-TH_10P-P2.54-V 1 LCSC C35445 BOOMELE 2.54mm 1*10P Straight Female header Gold-plated
4 100nF C10,C3,C4 CAP-TH_L5.0-W2.5-P5.08-D0.7 3 LCSC C254066 Dersonic CC1H103ZC4PD3F4D30MF
5 1uF C7,C6 CAP-TH_L4.2-W3.8-P5.08-D0.6 2 LCSC C409815 STE(Songtian Elec) 05Y105M500BF3C1H0R
6 ICSP J2 HDR-TH_6P-P2.54-V-R2-C3-S2.54 1 LCSC C65114 BOOMELE Header-Male-2.54_2x3
7 ATMEGA328P-PU U1 DIP-28_L34.6-W7.3-P2.54-LS10.2-BL 1 LCSC C33901 MICROCHIP ATMEGA328P-PU
8 L LEDY1 LED-TH_BD3.0-P2.54-FD 1 LCSC C99759 EVERLIGHT 204-10UYOC/S530-A3-L
9 TX LEDY2 LED-TH_BD3.0-P2.54-FD 1 LCSC C99759 EVERLIGHT 204-10UYOC/S530-A3-L
10 22pF C2,C1 CAP-TH_L5.5-W5.0-P5.00-D1.2 2 LCSC C342406 TDK CC45SL3AD220JYPNA
11 USB_BFemale USB1 USB-B-TH_67068-8000 1 LCSC C114097 MOLEX 670688000
12 RX LEDG2 LED-TH_BD3.0-P2.54-FD 1 LCSC C99763 EVERLIGHT 204-10SUGC/S400-A5-L
13 Power LEDG1 LED-TH_BD3.0-P2.54-FD 1 LCSC C99763 EVERLIGHT 204-10SUGC/S400-A5-L
14 POWER P2 HDR-TH_8P-P2.54-V 1 LCSC C27438 BOOMELE Female headerHDR1X8-2.54
15 Header-Female-2.54_1x8 P1 HDR-TH_8P-P2.54-V 1 LCSC C27438 BOOMELE Female headerHDR1X8-2.54
16 FT232RL-REEL U2 SSOP-28_L10.2-W5.3-P0.65-LS7.8-BL 1 LCSC C8690 FTDI FT232RL-REEL
17 1K R4,R3,R5,R6,R2,R7 RES-TH_BD2.3-L6.5-P10.50-D0.5 6 LCSC C119324 Chian Chia Elec -
18 10K R1 RES-TH_BD2.3-L6.5-P10.50-D0.5 1 LCSC C119347 Chian Chia Elec -
19 4.7uF C8 CAP-TH_BD5.0-P2.00-D0.8-FD 1 LCSC C269935 Ymin PKCB41H4R7MF
20 ANALOG P3 HDR-TH_6P-P2.54-V 1 LCSC C40877 BOOMELE Female header 1*6p


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