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STD SparkFun Humidity Sensor Breakout - HIH-4030


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Update time: 2021-04-11 23:22:19
Creation time: 2016-07-15 02:56:26
![enter image description here][1] ![enter image description here][2] **Description**: This is a breakout board for Honeywell’s HIH-4030 humidity sensor. The HIH-4030 measures relative humidity (%RH) and delivers it as an analog output voltage. You can connect the output of the sensor directly to an ADC on a microcontroller; and, thanks to the sensor’s near linear voltage output, the data is very easy to process. Voltage applied to the supply pins should be within 4-5.8VDC, and optimally at 5V. The sensor will typically only consume about 200μA. This product comes as shown in the picture, with the HIH-4030 soldered onto the breakout board. The pins of the 3-pin header are spaced by 0.1". **Features**: Near linear, analog output 4-5.8VDC voltage supply All pins broken out to a 0.1" pitch header Laser trimmed interchangeability Low power design, typical current draw of only 200μA Enhanced accuracy Fast response time Stable, low drift performance **Dimensions**: 0.75 x 0.30 “ (19.05 x 7.62 mm) For more detail and Documents, Please visit: http://www.sparkfun.com/products/9569 [1]: /editor/20160717/578ba5bc1b060.png [2]: /editor/20160717/578ba5c032d7b.png
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 HIH-4030 U1 HIH-4030 1
2 M03 JP1 1X03 1


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