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STD SparkFun Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout - ADXL377


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Update time: 2021-04-12 03:28:54
Creation time: 2016-07-15 02:56:26
![enter image description here][1] ![enter image description here][2] **Description**: The ADXL377 is a small, thin, low power, complete 3-axis accelerometer with signal conditioned analog voltage outputs that has a full-scale range of ±200g for measuring more extreme changes in motion, shock or vibration. This board has broken out all the pins you’ll need to get the necessary data from the accelerometers. The breakout is perfect for applications like concussion and head trauma detection or high force event detection. Getting the ADXL377 Breakout set-up is easy. Simply supply the accelerometer with power (3.3V and GND), then hookup the X, Y, and Z lines of the sensor to ADC pins on your chosen development board and you will be good to go. Bandwidths can even be selected to suit the needed application, with a range of 0.5 Hz to 1600 Hz for X and Y axes and a range of 0.5 Hz to 550 Hz for the Z axis. It should be noted that this breakout has a maximum voltage of 3.6V. Fortunately, you won’t need a lot of power to make the accelerometers work. In normal operating mode they typically draw about 300 µA. **Features**: Operating Voltage: 1.8V - 3.6V Typical Current: 300 μA Range: ±200g 3-axis sensing Bandwidth adjustment with a single capacitor per axis 4x Mounting Hole For more detail and Documents, Please visit: http://www.sparkfun.com/products/12803 [1]: /editor/20151231/5684e0df2277f.png [2]: /editor/20160718/578bb15b893de.png
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 ADXL377 U1 LFCSP_LQ-16 1
2 SIP6 P1 HDR1X6 1
3 0.1uf C4 C-0603 1
4 10nf C1,C2,C3 C-0603 3


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