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STD EN4233_Design_Project


Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2019-12-27 04:58:59
Creation time: 2019-12-16 15:56:11
This project is carried out as an assignment for the semester 08 Industrial Electronics and Automation module (EN4233) and would explore the theoretical knowledge learned in class in utilizing an PCB capable of indicating if the voltage level of an input is within a certain pre-determined region.
Design Drawing
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Manufacturer BOM_Manufacturer Part BOM_Supplier Part
1 OP07CP U1,U2 DIP-8_L11.0-W7.6-P2.54-LS7.6-BL 2 LCSC TI OP07CP C5224
2 ZMM5228B (3.9V) D1,D2 LL-34 2 LCSC SEMTECH ZMM5228B C118685
3 5.5k R1 AXIAL-0.4 1 LCSC UniOhm CFR0S2J0512A10 C89286
4 3.9k R2,R10 AXIAL-0.4 2 LCSC Chian Chia Elec - C119337
5 1k R4,R6,R8 AXIAL-0.4 3 LCSC CCO MOF2WS-470Ω±5% T C121655
6 560R R5,R7,R14,R12 AXIAL-0.4 4 LCSC CCO MOF3WS-1KΩ±5% T C121832
7 8.2k R11 AXIAL-0.4 1 LCSC TyoHM RN1/2WS8.2KΩFT/BA1 C385546
8 BC547B Tube Q1,Q3 TO-92_3PIN-L4.95-W3.94-PITCH2.54-L 2 LCSC CJ BC547B Tube C2092
9 204-10SURD/S530-A3 LED1,LED2 LED-3MM/2.54 2 LCSC EVERLIGHT 204-10SURD/S530-A3 C99772
10 1k R3 RES-ADJ_3386P 1 LCSC Bochen 3386P-1-101LF C125022
11 620R R9 RES-ADJ_3386P 1 LCSC Bochen 3386P-1-101LF C125022
12 Header-Male-2.54_1x2 H1,H3 HDR-2X1/2.54 2 LCSC TE Connectivity 826629-2 C86471
13 IRF9530NPBF Q4 TO-220(TO-220-3) 1 LCSC IR IRF9530NPBF C2574
14 BZX55C9V1 (9.1V) D8 DO-35 1 LCSC SEMTECH BZX55C9V1 C2518
15 ZMM6V8 D3 LL-34 1 LCSC SEMTECH ZMM6V8 C118685
16 1R R13 AXIAL-0.4 1 LCSC CCO MOF5WS-1Ω±5% T C121929
17 100u C1 RAD-0.1 1 LCSC CapXon KM101M025C110A C59372
18 TIP122 Q2 TO-220(TO-220-3) 1 LCSC CJ TIP122 C84073


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