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STD DCC Vitrine-decoder

License: GPL 3.0

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2024-01-02 15:44:11
Creation time: 2020-07-28 19:38:13
DCC decoder to detect if tracks are occupied. Detection is performed by measuring voltage over a resistor / (high speed) diode. Feedback is provided via the (Lenz) RS_Bus. Relays can be used to swich track power on/off. The design is intended for a train display cabinet / shadow station. There are three tracks per level; to ensure precise track distance of 46 mm the tracks fit nicely in the PCB openings. The PCB has been assembled by JLCPCB. The total costs for 15 PCBs with all SMD components assembled is around 150 Euro (including tax and shipping). Costs do not include the Through-hole components, such as relays, jumpers and terminals. Software can be downloaded from Github: [https://github.com/aikopras/OPENDECODER22GBM](https://github.com/aikopras/OPENDECODER22GBM)
Design Drawing
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 47uF C1,C12 CAP-SMD_BD6.3-L6.6-W6.6-FD 2
2 22 R18,R17 R1206 2
3 15pF C21,C22 C0402 2
4 10K R41,R27,R28 R0402 3
5 10uH L1 L0805 1
6 ES3D D15,D16,D13,D14,D11,D12,D9,D10,D7,D8,D5,D6,D3,D4,D2,D1 SMB_L4.6-W3.6-LS5.3-R-RD 16
7 ATMEGA16A-AU U1 TQFP-44_L10.0-W10.0-P0.80-LS12.0-BL 1
8 100nF C3,C14 C0603 2
9 10uF C2 CAP-SMD_L3.2-W1.6-R-RD 1
10 100 R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8,R10 R0603 9
11 0 R20 R0603 1
13 11.0592MHz X1 OSC-SMD_L5.0-W3.2 1
14 ISP-6PIN ISP HDR-TH_6P-P2.54-V-R2-C3-S2.54 1
15 100nF C4,C5,C6,C9,C8,C7,C10,C30 C0402 8
16 L78M05ABDT-TR U2 TO-252-2_L6.5-W6.1-P4.58-LS10.0-TL 1
17 SM4007PL D18,D17 SOD-123F_L2.8-W1.8-LS3.7-RD 2
18 600Ω L2 L0805 1
19 1K RN1,RN2 RES-ARRAY-SMD_0603-8P-L3.2-W1.6-BL 2
20 1N4148 D25,D32 SOD-323_L1.8-W1.3-LS2.5-RD 2
21 MB10S_C2488 D20 DIO-BG-SMD_4P-L4.9-W4.0-P2.54-LS7.0-TL 1
22 100 R29 R0805 1
23 1K R22 R0805 1
24 TS-1187A-C-C-B SW1 SW-SMD_4P-L5.1-W5.1-P3.70-LS6.4 1
25 6N137 OK4 SMD-8_L9.8-W6.6-P2.54-LS10.3-BL 1
26 MMBT5401 T4,T5 SOT-23-3_L2.9-W1.3-P1.90-LS2.4-BR 2
27 KT-0603R LED1 LED0603-R-RD 1
28 EL357N(C) OK3,OK2 SOP-4_L3.9-W4.4-P2.54-LS7.0-TL 2
29 1.5K R43,R44,R45,R21,R46 R0805 5
30 CON-JK CON1 STL(Z)-950-2-H 1
31 MMBT5551 T2,T1,T3 SOT-23-3_L2.9-W1.3-P1.90-LS2.4-BR 3
32 22K R31 R0603 1
33 ZMM5V6 D31 LL-34_L3.5-W1.5-RD 1
34 220 R24 R0603 1
35 1.5K R30 R0603 1
36 10K R9 R0603 1
37 RS-bus connector CON2 STL-1550-2-V 1
38 4N35S-TA1 OK1 OPTO-SMD-6_L8.5-W6.5-P2.54-LS9.2-BL 1
39 33 R23 R0603 1
40 2K R32,R33,R34,R35,R36,R37 R1206 6
41 ULN2803ADWR U3 SOIC-18_L13.8-W7.5-P1.27-LS10.3-BL 1
42 RT424F12 RE3,RE2,RE1 RT424 3
44 H0-TRACK TR0-1,TR2-3,TR4-5 H0-TRACK 3


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