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1.Easy to use and quick to get started

2.The process supports design scales of 300 devices or 1000 pads

3.Supports simple circuit simulation

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1.Brand new interactions and interfaces

2.Smooth support for design sizes of over 5,000 devices or 10,000 pads

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STD WW_PCB_V1.1_Solar


Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2020-04-07 12:28:04
Creation time: 2018-12-11 20:43:35
First revision. - Removed motor transistor - Support for new plugs - Added bms restart button - Added external pullup to 3.3v for davis counter - Added external pullup to 3.3v for watchdog pin
Design Drawing
schematic diagram
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity Mounted
1 Charger (LT3652EDD) U1 MSOP-12EP 1 Yes C96510
2 BMS (FS312F-G) U2 SOT23-6 1 Yes C82736
3 5V Reg P2 HDR-3X1/2.54 1 Yes C49257
4 FS8205 Q1 SOT-23-6 1 Yes C32254
5 2KΩ BMS_PD 0805 1 Yes C136896
6 100Ω(100R) BMS_RIN 0805 1 Yes C105577
7 0.1uF BMS_CAP 0805 1 Yes C150376
8 330KΩ RFB2 0805 1 Yes C136896
9 90KΩ RFB1 0805 1 Yes C136896
10 10uH L1 5040 1 Yes C107541
11 1uF C3 0805 1 Yes C150376
12 10uF CH_CAP1 0805 1 Yes C150376
13 180KΩ RFB3 0805 1 Yes C136896
14 1.2KΩ RLED1,RLED2,RLED4 0805 3 Yes C136896
15 ZLLS500TA CH_D1,CH_D2 SOT-23-FL 2 Yes C154850
16 47uF CH_CAP2 0805 1 Yes C126635
17 GREEN LED3 LED-0805 1 Yes C2292
18 RED LED4 LED-0805 1 Yes C2292
19 Temp H4 HDR-2X1/2.54 1 Yes C86471
20 RPi Header P1 HDR-20X2/2.54 1 Yes C50982
21 ADC(MCP3002-I/P) U3 DIP-8 1 Yes C144288
22 STWD100NYWY3F WATCHDOG SOT-23-5 1 Yes C46043
23 ORANGE LED2 LED-0805 1 Yes C2292
24 Header-Male-2.54_1x2 H3 HDR-2X1/2.54 1 Yes C86471
25 Header-Male-2.54_1x1 P4 HDR-1X1/2.54 1 Yes C81276
26 4.7KΩ COUNTER_PU,WD_PU 0805 2 Yes C136896
27 MICRO-FIT_2x3_43045-0600 H2 MICRO-FIT_2X3_43045-0600 1 Yes C37208
28 10KΩ CH_POT RES-ADJ_EVM3X3 1 Yes C11953
29 0.05 CH_SH,PM_SH1,PM_SH2 1206 3 Yes C149662
30 My_INA3221_RGV_16 U4 MY_RGV16_2P16X2P16 1 Yes
31 0.1uF PM_CAP 0805 1 Yes C126635
32 10KΩ SCL,SDA,PM_WAR,PM_CRI,PM_TC,PM_PV 0805 6 Yes C136896
33 MICRO-FIT_2x1_43045-0200 H5 MICRO-FIT_2X1_43045-0200 1 Yes C37208
34 SKSVCAE010 SW1 SKSVCAE010 1 Yes C115364


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