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STD Voltmeter copy


Mode: Editors' pick

Cloned from Voltmeter

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Update time: 2018-11-01 18:07:28
Creation time: 2018-11-01 18:07:23
In this project, we are going to build a **Digital Voltmeter without using any microcontroller**. Here we are using a very popular IC for **voltage measurement namely ICL7107/CS710**7. ICL7107 is a 3.5 digit analog to digital converter (ADC) which consumes very low power. The IC has internal circuit for driving four seven segment display to display the measured voltage. It also has a clock circuit and a reference voltage source. For detailed instructions to DIY this Voltmeter circuit and PCB design, [click here][1]. [1]: https://circuitdigest.com/electronic-circuits/simple-digital-voltmeter-circuit-diagram
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 ICL7107CPL1 U1 DIP40 1
2 Seven Segment Display J1J9,J1J10,J1J11,J1J8 NONE 4
3 120K R1 AXIAL-0.4 1
4 100pF C1 RAD-0.2 1
5 100nF C2,C5,C7 RAD-0.2 3
6 5k PR1 RES-ADJ_EVN6X6 1
7 22K R2 AXIAL-0.4 1
8 47K R3 AXIAL-0.4 1
9 47nF C3 RAD-0.2 1
10 220nF C4 RAD-0.2 1
11 10K R4 AXIAL-0.4 1
12 1M R5 AXIAL-0.4 1
13 Probe J1 M1X2 1
14 Probe(optional) J2 H2-5.0-10.5X8.0MM 1
15 1k R6,R7,R8,R9 AXIAL-0.3 4
16 555 Timer U2 DIL08 1
17 1N4148 D1,D2 DO-35 2
18 -L7805 U3 L7805 1
19 10uF C6,C CAP-D5.0XF2.0 2
20 1K R10 AXIAL-0.4 1
21 -LED U4 LED5 1


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