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STD The Best Way to Streamline the Essay Writing Process

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Update time: 2019-10-07 11:10:16
Creation time: 2019-10-07 11:10:16
![academic_writing11100x400.jpg](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/2ouzsKzO6YxpmhI8ypvgR9UO9zIcfg3DfStImR6m.jpeg) The essay writing process is an intimidating process for many students. Despite the commonness of essay writing there are still several questions and confusions that lead to the inability of producing top notch essays. Essays are given out regularly on the basis of weekly coursework or even as an end of semester assignment. Therefore, students cannot run away from essays as they are big requirement of getting a higher education. Then what must students do? Students must learn how to streamline their essays and save up on time and effort. The first thing you must work on is to learn how to write. Writing is often taken as a very easy task and everyone can do it. However, that's not the case. It's not easy to write and takes years of practice and learning to be able to become an accomplished writer. Thus the foremost of your concerns should be being able to polish your writing skills. Work in your writing skills by practicing different styles of writing and editing them to improve your writing. You can even learn to write by reading. Read up on different examples of writing and see how the writer has used words and sentence structures to convey their message in an effective way. Reading also helps you learn the usage of tenses and vocabulary. Writing an essay requires you to follow a certain step by step procedure and format that will help you write the best possible essay. Here is how you can streamline your writing process and write exceptionally well. 1) Select an interesting topic. The selection of your topic is very important and helps you write to the best of your ability. Choose a topic that is interesting and it will help you get your creativity to flow. The topic that you choose should be of interest to you so that you can actively research on it without getting bored. This will help you work on your essay with all your attention. In addition to this, the topic you choose should also be relevant to today and of interest to your readers. If the topic is irrelevant your readers will not read it as they would not be interested. Thus choose a topic that is interesting to both you and your audience. Do not aim too high and choose a topic that is within your reach. You should have some prior information on the topic so that you are able to do justice to it and write it properly. It's good to experiment but do not go completely out of your comfort zone. 2) After the topic has been selected, it's time for you to start researching. The best essays are the ones that are based on extensive amounts of research. To be able to write something, it is essential that you know all there is to know about it. Therefore, before you start the writing process you need to conduct research on all platforms you can access. You can use the Internet to read up relevant articles and other scholarly journals. These are very beneficial to your research as they are filled with the related information and can even help you research deeper by checking out all the references. If you don't have access to the Internet, then you can do your reach the old school way. You can go to the library and read all the different books that are available on the topic you have chosen. The more research you conduct the more calod your essay is going to be. 3) Make a layout of your essay keeping in mind all the research you have done. Making a layout will help you write your essay in a very easy way. You can use it as a guideline when you sit down to write your essay and cover each aspect one by one. It can also help you if you get stuck or get carried away with the flow of writing to comeback and follow the outline. It will also prevent you from skipping out on important things. Once the essay is written you can also use it as a checklist to see whether everything you planned is covered or not. Lay out should begin with the introduction, talk about the topic and a brief mention of the stance you are going to take. After the introduction divide your outline into 3-5 paragraphs. These paragraphs will serve as the main body of your essay. Lastly you can include the conclusion which will be a condensed paragraph of the complete essay. 4) Once you begin writing your essay you must focus on structuring the best topic and thesis statement. Your topic statement is what instantly grabs the reader's attention thus it must be crafted to perfection. You need to try and produce a topic sentence that not only fulfills its purpose of introducing the topic but is also interesting to the readers. Next comes the thesis sentence, this introduces your audience to the points you are going to make. A thesis sentence that is strong will be able to accurately inform your audience about your approach towards the topic. In order to write an impressive thesis sentence, you must have an arsenal of comprehensive research on the topic. Only then you'll be able to formulate your points in a compact but effective manner. You are not required to provide any details here as this is just the introduction. Focus on grabbing the reader's attention and keeping them hooked so they read on. 5) After the introduction is completed and your audience is anxious to read on, it is your responsibility to maintain their interest. To do this you need to make sure that you are properly paragraphing your work. Your main body should not be a big clump of information. It should be divided into three or more paragraphs so that the audience does not get bored. To convey each point properly you must dedicate a paragraph to each one of them and give yourself the liberty to elaborate on them using additional details and supporting arguments. You must also mention the examples so that your point is portrayed clearly. Transition from one paragraph to another using transition words so that you can easily transition without making sharp turns. 6) Once the main body of the essay is completed you can move towards concluding your essay. For the conclusion of your essay you can use a trick that many skilled writers do. You can summarize each paragraph into a couple of lines and then linked them all together to form your conclusion. You must also include an opinion in your conclusion that will help your readers understand your position on the topic. This is how you streamline an essay. However, if you still require help you can contact different essay help websites that provide a variety of services including [Custom Dissertation Writing Services UK](https://dissertationfirm.co.uk). These websites are a great help to students for all kinds of coursework. Feel free to contact them and get the help you need
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