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STD How to stop eating sugar: 8 tips to gain health


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Update time: 2019-03-05 10:12:17
Creation time: 2019-03-05 09:54:45
The habit of eating highly sugary foods is one of the main health problems in Western countries. It is not only associated with obesity; In addition, the intake of large amounts of sugar can lead to both health problems and behaviour dynamics totally harmful to the person. In this article, we will see some tips on how to stop eating sugar, and several recommendations about how to start. **How to stop eating sugar?** In the following lines, you will find key ideas to make the habit of eating sugar do not get out of hand and establish a lifestyle in which you barely consume that ingredient. However, you should know that in some cases this custom is so ingrained that it is essential to go to a psychology professional who offers personalized attention. **1. Start with a kitchen cleaning** It is not a literal cleaning, but going to the kitchen and throwing away all foods with a high content of sugar: processed cereals, pastries, fruit flavoured dairy or chocolate, sweets and candy ...= It is important to do this as a task that justifies itself, not as something complementary that we are going to do when it's time to go to the kitchen and think about what to eat. In this way, we will avoid as much as possible giving in to the excuses that we can pose for not doing this, like "now I do not have time to throw everything" or "if I throw this now I will not have anything to eat". **2. Avoid entering junk food stores** This advice to stop eating so much sugar is simple and complicated at the same time: do not enter the premises based on offering very processed and sugary food. At first, it can be hard, but in the medium and long term, you will avoid many problems and worries. **3. If you are not used to cooking, buy healthier foods** In the long run, to have a healthy life in which sugar has less presence you will have to cook much of what you eat, if not most of the time. However, if you have no experience in this, try to buy food made as home made possible, like the one in some catering services. **4. Learn to cook** This step is very important, for two reasons. On the one hand, this habit will force you to eat much more natural foods, to make these form the basis of your diet. On the other, in this way, you will link the fact of eating with a time of the day that deserves your time and to which we must pay attention, which is the opposite of the concept of snack that so often makes us fall into products full of refined sugar. This is one of the tips on how to stop eating sugar that is more difficult because it requires effort, and for this, it is almost mandatory that you plan day-to-day schedules in which you reserve approximately one hour a day to learn to cook simple recipes that the length will hardly require your attention. **5. Remember the different names of sugar** When you are starting to take measures to stop eating so much sugar, do not worry about eating very healthy; the priority is, in any case, to stop consuming junk food. Therefore, do not obsess trying to learn by heart all the technicalities used in the food industry. Just remember the following words, because they are all names of sugar that are used to camouflage the presence of this ingredient in food composition labels: • Saccharose. • Glucose. • Fructose. • Molasses. • Honey (yes, honey is basically sugar). • Brown sugar. **6. Work away from snacks** If you work in a place where there are several people and you can choose where to locate yourself, try to stay most of the time away from the places where sugary products are placed that you are allowed to have access to: soft drinks machines or chocolate bars, fonts with candies, etc. **7. Think of the rebound effect** Do not be content for being many hours of the day without eating products with sugar. Think that in situations like this we are prone to overcompensation, giving us binge eating sweet food whose glucose levels exceed what we would have ingested if we had followed our usual habits. That's why, although very occasionally (once a week) it is possible to eat a sugary product as a "rest", in those moments you should pay close attention to what you do and not give in to the temptation to continue savouring that kind of snacks. If it is very complicated, perhaps to compensate more abstain 100% of eating sugary foods for several weeks in a row. This is another one of the tips on how to stop eating more complex sugars to follow since it demands us commitment with what we are doing. **8. Eat fruit every day** If you manage to make the fruit become your usual source of sugar, you will have a lot of livestock. This is because these foods are much more satisfying than a chocolate bar or average snack, but in most cases, they have much less sugar, and in addition, this is not processed (less harmful). According to [assignment writers](https://www.assignmenttigers.co.uk/assignment-writing-service), one or several pieces of fruit, a day are enough, and if you get used to eating them as a reward, continuing with that healthy habit will be very easy.
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