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STD JamSoft SI-1

License: GPL 3.0

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-12-28 22:27:41
Creation time: 2020-10-22 12:37:58
My version also includes a simulated "Disk Ready" signal derived from the Index signal which seems to work ok. The PCB design is poor,I didn't really understand IC bypass capacitors at the time, so they're just randomly scattered over the board. However it seems to still work ok, I haven't had time to do a redesign.  Also, it doesn't provide power to the floppy drive as I was worried that the +2A PSU wouldn't be able to take the stain - I read that the +3 had a larger supply to support it's disk drive. Last issue is that the PCB is a millimeter or two too wide and gets in the way of the Power Supply plug, so it has to be wiggled a bit to make it fit nicely. Anyway, use at your own risk - enjoy!
Design Drawing
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 CSTLS16M0X51-A0 X2 CSTLS_X 1
2 74HC14 IC19 DIP14 1
3 UPD765AC IC16 DIP40 1
4 74HCU04 IC15 DIP14 1
5 74HC04 IC18 DIP14 1
6 56-way Expansion CN1 56 WAY EDGE CONNECTOR 2 1
7 FDD CN11 918534X914 1
8 1nF C44 RAD-0.2 1
9 100nF C46 RAD-0.2 1
10 47nF C45 RAD-0.2 1
11 10nF C47,C1 RAD-0.1 2
12 22nF C51 RAD-0.2 1
13 1M R82 R_AXIAL-0.4 1
14 74HCT00 IC20 DIP14 1
15 74HCT74 IC21 DIP14 1
16 SW_SP3T SW1 MHS131 SP3T 1
17 SED9420 IC17 DIP-24__600 1
18 68k R84 R_AXIAL-0.4 1
19 33k R83 R_AXIAL-0.4 1
20 1.5k R85,R38 R_AXIAL-0.4 2
21 6.8k R86 R_AXIAL-0.4 1
22 10k R76,R4 R_AXIAL-0.4 2
23 4.7k R3,R5 R_AXIAL-0.4 2
24 470 R6 R_AXIAL-0.4 1
25 680 R1,R81,R78,R77,R79 R_AXIAL-0.4 5


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