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STD BK8000L Bluetooth AUX Module


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Update time: 2020-08-24 23:55:49
Creation time: 2018-04-22 19:21:28
I want present to you my new version of the Bluetooth module for a car, home whatever you want. This module base on the BK8000L module with an additional power scheme for working with car voltage. But it’s also can work by USB. You can ask me why need to create something new if you can easily buy already exists solution from China? Here are some pluses: 1. It works. 2. Noise reduction from other gadgets and car engines. 3. Additional audio output lines. But there is also a small minus, no capability to work with the battery. Maybe I’ll add it to in next version. Let’s take a look at the BK8000L: It’s a small and cheap module (~2$) with great technical parameters (for this price) ![](http://blog.dmitrii-levin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/sku_384334_1.jpg) ![](http://blog.dmitrii-levin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/020407_4-b.jpg) To my surprise, the BK8000L module has a great sound quality and volume (because it has an amplifier inside) BK8000L can work by 5V so basically you can connect it directly to USB power line and it should work fine. What if I want to connect it in my car? Then you have to add some power regulation module to step down the voltage from 12-14V to 5V. I used for that job this module: The reason why I chose this module simple its size. It’s really small (the same size as BK8000L). Btw it’s also cheap at around 1.5$ ![](http://blog.dmitrii-levin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/HTB1tI9Og9CWBuNjy0Fhq6z6EVXaU-768x768.jpg) [seller page](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32846488115.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.264d33edGbBquT) I’ll glad if this post helps you to create your own Bluetooth module.
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