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STD Adjustable power suply for drill

License: TAPR Open Hardware License

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2022-01-25 20:42:27
Creation time: 2021-01-17 19:35:46

Adjustable power suply for mini drill

This is a Drill or mini Drill  adjustable power supply that enable your drill to have fine tune velocity control.


  • This board was tested from 5 up to 36v.
  • This board was designed to support the three main packages used for LM2576-ADJ. Do not install more than one LM2576 CI on the same board.
  • Higher voltages requires to be installed heatsink in LM2576-ADJ, except for the TO263 variant.
  • Pairs components follow the bellow groups, do not install more than one of each group on the same board. For example if you use SMD R2 do not use R1.
    1. R1 and R2, 470Ω;
    2. R3 and R4, 1.2KΩ;
    3. R6 and R7, 470Ω;
  • Optional components can be used as bellow:
    1. CN1 can be used to plug a switch, if not used a jump between CN1-1 and CN1-2 terminals must be provided;
    2. IN_LED and OUT_LED, can be used to provide external feedback LEDs when using enclosure box.
    3. CN2 can be used to power a fan. Depending on the fan and the maximum output voltage, a resistor must be used in R8. If the maximum output voltage does not exceed the maximum fan voltage, a jump can be used at R8.

From time to time I will provide alternative plates for each combination!

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