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STD 5Watt Tube Amps 5f1 - Power Amp

License: CERN Open Hardware License

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-08-13 16:32:51
Creation time: 2020-09-08 20:46:32
One of the most acclaimed brands of tube amplifiers is Fender and one of its greatest classics, the Fender Champ. We are designing a printed circuit board to remake this marvel, there are variations of the Fender Champ circuit, the first circuit was the Champion with 5B1 nomenclature of 1948, in 1953 the circuit changed to 5C1, but the best circuit is the Fender Champ 5F1 with an 8 'speaker introduced in 1958, this ultra simple circuit uses a 12AX7 double triode valve as a preamplifier and another 6V6GT pentode valve as a power amplifier producing 5W of power. Among the circuits of the Fender Champ the model 5F1 is the one that provides greater gain in amplification, still maintaining its extreme simplicity.
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