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STD Drip Irrigation Controller v 2.0 copy

License: GPL 3.0

Mode: Editors' pick

Cloned from Drip Irrigation Controller v 2.0

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Update time: 2019-07-21 11:55:09
Creation time: 2019-07-17 15:25:02
Full version V 2.0 of solar battery powered drip irrigation controller; Features; 1. Control up to 3 motorized valves (5-12V) for split irrigation; a) Use water flow meter to measure value of water used for irrigation; 2. Control one solenoid valve for water tank filling-in; a) use two reed switches + magnets to measure water level in the tank (lower switch - tank empty, upper switch - tank full); 3. Control one DC motor (5-12V) for water tank cover open/close to use rain water; a) Use one tilt sensor to detect rain cover full-open state; b) Use one moisture/water level sensor to detect rain condition; 4. Use source power sensor to control battery power and stop operations in case of low power; a) (Planned) - use relay to turn on external power source and charge batteries if needed; 5. Use DC3231 timer with external temperature sensor and AT24C32 flash onboard; 6. Use schedule for irrigation and tank fill events. Take temperature, rain conditions and soil moisture (planned) for toggling schedule events; 7. Calculate water usage statistics; 8. Save all events into log (irrigation, fill-in, rain, temperature, battery voltage, soil humidity); 9. Save as much power as possibe powering off all peripherals and switching controller into power save mode when not used; Wake up periodically and by user actions; 10. Use 1602-1604 LCD for displaying status and rotary switch for user control; 11. (Planned) - use ESP8266-01 for connecting to centalal server for logs uploading/schedule updates. Provide HTTP page access when connected to Wi-Fi in power-on mode.
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