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STD Capacitors in series 04

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2019-10-06 09:32:28
Creation time: 2018-03-21 14:08:49
This example revisits Capacitors in series 03 but uses B sources with expressions that are functions of currents and voltages around the circuit and time to implement a way measure both the voltages across the capacitors and to give a voltage output that is directly proportional to the capacitor values. By using a B source to generate a voltage equal to time; i.e. 1V/s, this version gives the voltages across each capacitor correctly according to their capacitance. These voltages represent what would be found in an analytical solution to the question what would be the voltages across the two capacitors if a voltage of 1V was applied across them. It also gives voltages V(CAP1) and V(CAP2) that are directly proportional to the values of the capacitors (scaled at 1Volt/Farad). These voltages are calculated from the current through the series pair multiplied by time and divided by the voltage across each capacitor; i.e. C=I*t/V. V(CAP1) and V(CAP2) then are in direct proportional to the charge sharing due to the ratio of the capacitors. Note that for this simulation to give accurate answers, the product of Rdcpath1*C must be much longer than the simulation stop time. Try reducing the value of RDCPATH1 to see what happens as Rdcpath1*C becomes comparable to the simulation stop time. Try moving RDCPATH1 so that it is reconnected from node B to node A. Then try adding a second DC path resistor RDCPATH2 connected from node B to ground to see what happens. See what effect changing the resistor values has.
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ID Designator Quantity
1 C1 1
2 C2 1
4 B1 1
5 B2 1
7 B3 1
8 B4 1
9 B5 1


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