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STD Recepteur AeroCommande


Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-07-07 09:11:04
Creation time: 2021-07-06 12:27:06

Hayaaa mar7ba bikom

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Manufacturer BOM_Manufacturer Part BOM_Supplier Part
1 100pF C1,C2,C5,C7 CAP-TH_L5.5-W3.2-P5.00-D1.0 4 LCSC ReliaPro 101K/1KV Capacitor C3715
2 10uF C3,C4,C6 CAP-TH_BD4.0-P1.50-D0.8-FD 3 LCSC ValuePro electrolytic capacitor10UF50V C32856
3 1N4001 D1,D2,D3,D4 DO-41_BD2.4-L4.7-P8.70-D0.9-RD 4 LCSC LRC 1N4001 C82804
4 MH200V-11-03-1000 H1,H3,H4,H5,H6,H7,H8 HDR-TH_3P-P2.00-V-M 7 LCSC XFCN(台湾兴飞) MH200V-11-03-1000 C2839988
5 MH200V-11-05-1000 H2 HDR-TH_5P-P2.00-V-M 1 LCSC XFCN(台湾兴飞) MH200V-11-05-1000 C2839990
6 LEDOrangE LED1,LED2 LED-TH_BD3.8-P2.54-FD 2 LCSC KENTO LEDOrange orange 3AO4UD C62095
7 NRF24L01 MK1 WIRELM-SMD_NRF24L01 1 LCSC Ai-Thinker NRF24L01+功率加强版绑定2.4Gwireless module C90751
8 82K R1,R2,R4 RES-TH_BD3.0-L9.5-P13.50-D0.6 3 LCSC UniOhm CFR02SJ0823A10 C69876
9 SWITCH SW1 SW-TH_2MS3T1B1M1QES-5 1 LCSC Dailywell(德利威) 2MS3T1B1M1QES-5 C908281
10 K2-1839DQ-P4SW-02 SW2 KEY-TH_K2-1839DQ-P4SW-02 1 LCSC 韩国韩荣 K2-1839DQ-P4SW-02 C2689993
11 ATMEGA328P-PU U1 DIP-28_L34.6-W7.3-P2.54-LS10.2-BL 1 LCSC MICROCHIP ATMEGA328P-PU C33901
12 LM1117T-3.3/NOPB U3 TO-220-3_L10.0-W4.5-P2.54-L 1 LCSC Texas Instruments LM1117T-3.3/NOPB C201726
13 TO0201520000G U4 CONN-TH_TO0201520000G 1 LCSC Amphenol TO0201520000G C2683161
14 7805 U5,U6,U7,U8 TO-220-3_L10.0-W4.5-P2.54-L 4 LCSC Foshan Blue Rocket Elec 7805 C305416
15 49S X1 HC-49S_L11.0-W4.4-P4.88 1 LCSC YXC 49S DIP Crystal insulation film C35018


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