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STD How to Solder A Circuit Board


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Update time: 2020-09-04 06:18:35
Creation time: 2017-04-22 02:47:57
Soldering is a process of joining two copper or metallic parts by the process of melting solder (not the parts) and bonding them together for a good and permanent electrical connection. ![enter image description here][1] **Tools and materials needed to solder** You will need tools, like soldering iron, soldering wire, soldering paste (paste flux) or liquid flux and damp solder sponge and a circuit board, you can find a universal board as a carrier of soldering, or you can use the PCB boards manufactured by a [**professional PCB fab house**][2](I highly recommend [JLCPCB prototype service][3] where you can get 10pcs 2-layer 100mm×100mm PCBs for only $8.21.) You could also need a desoldering pump or desoldering wick if you need to remove solder. ![enter image description here][4] Soldering iron,solder,wick ![enter image description here][5] ![enter image description here][6] Liquid Flux (left) and Desoldering Pump (right) Soldering on a circuit board takes a little more care and attention, but it's still very doable. Put the tip of the iron on the pad so that it heats both the lead of the part and the pad of the circuit board. Heat them for a second or so before you apply solder. Remove the iron and the solder wire and inspect your solder joint to see if it looks okay. Here I’ll solder [**the boards**][7] designed PCB and manufactured at [JLCPCB][8] as an example. ![enter image description here][9]![enter image description here][10] **Step 1.** To solder you will first need to heat up your soldering iron to the correct temperature to correct temperature is for large and insensitive Parts is 370°-380° Centigrade. For example cables. For smaller more sensitive parts more like 320°-330° centigrade. For example resistors and IC chips. Depending on the type of solder you Using you and need different temperatures to for low lead high tin soldering you need lower temperatures and for low tin high lead you will need higher temperatures. And for Silver solder you need to even higher temperatures. ![enter image description here][11]!![enter image description here][12] **Step 2.** Clean if the tip of the soldering iron with soldering sponge. If the tip is very dirty you could dip it in some soldering paste (pasteflux) for 1 second to help with cleaning. This is very important for a good soldering job. **Step3.** Make sure that the parts you want to join are clean and free of dirt and corrosion now apply some flux (liquid flux is preferred but paste flux could be used) to the part you want to join make sure that they’re going to stay going to be stable. Contact the tip of the soldiring iron for 1 second before feeding solder once done soldering remove solder wire first then remove soldering iron. Make sure that the joint is nice clean and enough of solder and not to much. ![enter image description here][13] **Step 4.** if you have used flux clean the residue from the flux because some fluxes are corrosive and will damage the joint over time. You could use alcohol to help with cleaning. If you have applied to much solder you canremove the excess with a solder pump ordesoldering wick. How to desoldering Desoldering is the process of removing excess or all solder. Desoldering with desoldering pump. Melt the solder completely without damaging your components and suck it up with the pump. Desoldering with desoldering wick. Place the tip of the wick on top of the solder you want to remove and melt the solder through the wick the wick will soak up the solder. **Related Articles:** [How to Make a Simple Circuit for Beginners][14] [Learn Circuit from schematic to PCB Easily][15] [How to build a Circuit Board(PCB)][16] [Cheap Circuit Board Manufacturing][17] [1]: /editor/20170422/58facc604c4ea.png [2]: https://jlcpcb.com/ [3]: https://jlcpcb.com/quote [4]: /editor/20170422/58facc74222b2.png [5]: /editor/20170422/58fad14be14ff.png [6]: /editor/20170422/58fad1530d529.png [7]: https://easyeda.com/circuitdigest/Smoke_Detector_Arduino_Shield-kEQca75rN [8]: https://easyeda.com/ [9]: /editor/20170422/58faccafc530f.png [10]: /editor/20170422/58faccb682cec.png [11]: /editor/20170422/58fad268b8a2b.png [12]: /editor/20170422/58faef9450735.png [13]: /editor/20170422/58fad282bed26.png [14]: https://easyeda.com/Selina/How_to_Make_a_Simple_Circuit_for_Beginners-aa817070418c447893e88237870ede19 [15]: https://easyeda.com/Doc/Tutorial [16]: https://easyeda.com/Selina/How_to_build_a_Circuit_BoardPCB-d19e3fcb08de43bb8bfdbeb70844ec86 [17]: https://easyeda.com/feather/PCB_Fab_with_EasyEDA-05716a0675a24b2488efa7724c637cc0
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