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STD How to Draw Electronic Circuits On easyeda ? copy copy


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Cloned from How to Draw Electronic Circuits On easyeda ?

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Update time: 2019-01-22 15:42:42
Creation time: 2019-01-22 15:42:42
How to draw **Electronic Circuits** on Easyeda? For electronic engineering or hardware engineers ,we always have some ideas to put into real products . The first step is to design an electronic circuit or a schematic . Then how to draw an **Electronic Circuit** ? What tools would you want to choose ? Let me introduce how to draw Electronic circuits . Recently I get the chance to know about the software Easyeda ,which is an online schematic capture , spice simulation,pcb layout tool and the project created on the easyeda.com could be saved on the cloud server . Furthermore , we could import designs from Eagle ,Altium Designer,Kicad,and LTspice . Some operations are similar to Altium Designers . So I have a try and feel it is quick to get started . 1.Now let me introduce how to Draw an Schematic . Firstly , Create a Project from the Document—>New—>Project , and rename the title and save it . I could choose the “Public ”or “Private ”to choose whether to share the file to public or not . ![enter image description here][1] ——Create a new Project. Secondly ,create an schematic .Document—>New—>Schematic . Thirdly ,start to Draw Schematic on Schematic Interface .Choose components from EasyEDA Libs A very simple schematic has been created as followed. ![enter image description here][2] ——One ultra-simple Circuit 2.Sometimes , you need to place some ICs on Schematic. You need to search IC from the More Libraries ![enter image description here][3] ——ICON of searching PCB Package and Schematic LIbs For example , search NE555 from more Libraries.Type NE555 in the Search Box , then you will find the NE555 Schematic Lib on a list . Choose “Place” to put the component on the schematic .And begin to draw it with wires and other components ,some ICs , resistors ,capacitors ,inductors, Diodes ,BJT, connectors and so on . ![enter image description here][4] ——Searchbox to find components ![enter image description here][5] 3.When the component you need is not on Easyedalibs , we need to create a schematic Libs for the component .For example , if I want to design a BMP180 Schematic module . Firstly I need to find a BMP180 component, but it could not be found on EasyedaLibs , So I need to create one . Steps: 1.Document->New->Schematic Libs 2.Place a retangle on the Schematic Libs . 3.Place pins on the sides of Retangle 4.Define the name of each Pin . Double click the pin and change the name of the pin . ![enter image description here][6] So the component that has been created and saved as one of the components in”My Parts”“User Components” on Easyeda. Also , it was stored on the cloud server and could be shared with anyone who needs this component. Now I have introduced how to draw electronic circuits on easyeda . It is easy to learn and get started with designing schematics on Easyeda.com . It is also convenient to share your schematic Libs and **electronic Circuits** with all the designers or engineers who use Easyeda. Hope you could enjoy the fun of designing schematics and make your own creative **electronic circuits** . [1]: /editor/20151121/564fc680f3443.png [2]: /editor/20151121/564fc69763067.png [3]: /editor/20151121/564fc69f5cef5.png [4]: /editor/20151121/564fc6a7bad32.png [5]: /editor/20151121/564fc6afcde5b.png [6]: /editor/20151121/564fc6ce2205c.png
Design Drawing
schematic diagram
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 NE555 U1 SO08 1
2 1u C1,C2 C1 2
3 1k R1 R3 1


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