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Error: unknown subckt: but why?
1214 0
andyfierman 9 years ago
**BUG** Concise problem statement: Sim fails due to: `Error: unknown subckt: xt1 xt1_1 0 0 volprobe1 mutual_inductors` The problem is that the `Mutual_Inductors` subckt *does* exist in the EasyEDA spice model library: `.SUBCKT Mutual_Inductors_%s n1 n2 n3 n4` `*` `* Updated to add Rdcpath1 - Rdcpath4 to ` `* provide DC paths to ground in case any ` `* winding is left floating by mistake.` `*` `* 141006` `* ` `L1 n1 NetR1_1 %s` `L2 n4 NetR2_1 %s` `Rs1 NetR1_1 n2 %s` `Rs2 NetR2_1 n3 %s` `K1 L1 L2 %s` `*` `.param rval=1e9` `Rdcpath1 n1 0 {rval}` `Rdcpath2 n2 0 {rval}` `Rdcpath3 n3 0 {rval}` `Rdcpath4 n4 0 {rval}` `.ENDS` ************* The schematic has correctly called the `Mutual_Inductors` subckt from the EasyEDA spice model library because it is in the netlist! The EasyEDA Source for the 'Mutual_Inductors' schematic symbol seems to be OK: `{"head":"1~1.9.1~~TRAN`1m`200m`0`{AC`dec`100`20`100`{DC`0``0`0`{TF```","canvas":"CA~1333~1200~#FFFFFF~yes~#CCCCCC~10~1333~1200~line~10~pixel~5","shape":[],"annotation":[],"schlib":["LIB~470~220~package``spicePre`X`Rs1`1u`Rs2`1u`L1`1`L2`2`K`1`~~0~gge5#@$T~N~464.546875~195~0~#000080~Arial~~~~~comment~Mutual_Inductors~1~start~gge7#@$T~P~464.5546875~186~0~#000080~Arial~~~~~comment~T1~1~start~gge8#@$A~M 480 210 A 4 5 0 0 1 480 200~~#A00000~1~0~none~gge9#@$A~M 460 230 A 4 5 0 0 1 460 240~~#A00000~1~0~none~gge10#@$A~M 480 240 A 4 5 0 0 1 480 230~~#A00000~1~0~none~gge11#@$A~M 480 230 A 4 5 0 0 1 480 220~~#A00000~1~0~none~gge12#@$A~M 480 220 A 4 5 0 0 1 480 210~~#A00000~1~0~none~gge13#@$A~M 460 220 A 4 5 0 0 1 460 230~~#A00000~1~0~none~gge14#@$A~M 460 210 A 4 5 0 0 1 460 220~~#A00000~1~0~none~gge15#@$A~M 460 200 A 4 5 0 0 1 460 210~~#A00000~1~0~none~gge16#@$P~show~0~1~450~190~180~gge17^^440~200^^M 460 200 h -20~#800^^0~464~200~0~1 ~start~~^^0~456~196~0~1 ~end~~^^^^#@$P~show~0~3~450~190~0~gge18^^500~240^^M 480 240 h 20~#800^^0~476~240~0~3 ~end~~^^0~484~236~0~3 ~start~~^^^^#@$P~show~0~2~450~190~180~gge19^^440~240^^M 460 240 h -20~#800^^0~464~240~0~2 ~start~~^^0~456~236~0~2 ~end~~^^^^#@$P~show~0~4~450~190~0~gge20^^500~200^^M 480 200 h 20~#800^^0~476~200~0~4 ~end~~^^0~484~196~0~4 ~start~~^^^^#@$PL~466.5 201 466.5 238~#A00000~1~0~none~gge21#@$PL~471.5 201.5 471.5 237.5~#A00000~1~0~none~gge22#@$E~454.75~204.25~1.25~1.25~#A00000~1~0~none~gge23#@$E~484.25~204.75~1.25~1.25~#A00000~1~0~none~gge24#@$T~L~450~222.5~0~#A00000~Times New Roman~5pt~~~~comment~L1~1~start~gge25#@$T~L~482.5~222.5~0~#A00000~Times New Roman~5pt~~~~comment~L2~1~start~gge26","LIB~340~220~package`2P-5.0`nameAlias`Value`Value`SIN(0 1 50) AC 1 0`spicePre`V`spiceSymbolName`Vsin`~~0~gge27#@$T~N~352~232~0~#000080~Arial~~~~~comment~SIN(0 1 50) AC 1 0~1~start~gge29#@$T~P~352~223~0~#000080~Arial~~~~~comment~V1~1~start~gge30#@$E~340~220~10~10~#880000~1~0~none~gge31#@$P~show~0~1~320~200~90~gge32^^340~200^^M 340 210 v -10~#800^^0~340~212~270~1~end~~^^0~336~206~270~1~start~~^^^^#@$PL~338 214 342 214~#880000~1~0~none~gge33#@$PL~340 212 340 216~#880000~1~0~none~gge34#@$P~show~0~2~320~200~270~gge35^^340~240^^M 340 230 v 10~#800^^0~340~226~270~2~start~~^^0~336~234~270~2~end~~^^^^#@$PL~342 226 338 226~#880000~1~0~none~gge36"],"netlabel":[],"netflag":["F~part_netLabel_GNd~500~240~~gge37^^500~240^^GND~#000080~491.5~228~0~start~0~Times New Roman~9pt^^PL~500 250 500 240~#000000~1~0~none~gge40^^PL~490 250 510 250 500 256 490 250~#000000~1~0~none~gge41","F~part_netLabel_GNd~400~240~~gge44^^400~240^^GND~#000080~391.5~228~0~start~0~Times New Roman~9pt^^PL~400 250 400 240~#000000~1~0~none~gge47^^PL~390 250 410 250 400 256 390 250~#000000~1~0~none~gge48","F~part_netLabel_volProbe~500~200~~gge50^^500~200^^volProbe1~#0000FF~516~210~0~start~1~Times New Roman~9pt^^PL~500.5 200.5 509.75 210 509.75 215 510.5 209.75 514.75 207.75~#000000~1~0~none~gge53"],"wire":["W~440 240 340 240~#008800~1~0~none~gge42","W~440 200 340 200~#008800~1~0~none~gge43"],"junction":["J~400~240~2.5~#CC0000~gge49"],"BBox":{"x":330,"y":178,"width":235.34375,"height":78}}` So why is there a problem? Steps to reproduce bug: 1. Run transient sim. Results: Sim fails with: `Error: unknown subckt: xt1 xt1_1 0 0 volprobe1 mutual_inductors` Expected results: Sim should just run. Url: <> Browser: Chrome in W7, Chrome, Chromium, Firefox in Kubuntu 12.04 LTS.
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