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STD Noswear project (shocking watch profanity tracking)

License: GPL 3.0

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2023-08-04 17:08:16
Creation time: 2020-07-29 17:45:25
# Noswear project (shocking watch profanity tracking) [Noswear_Java](https://github.com/StarrLucky/Noswear_Java): voice recognition app [Noswear_Android_Client](https://github.com/StarrLucky/Noswear_Android_Client): sending commands to NFR51 board over BLE [Noswear_Shocking_Board](https://github.com/StarrLucky/Noswear_Shocking_Board): controlling shocking circuit by receiving commands from BLE android app Board have led pins - 12 for advertising/device status and 13 to indicate recieving of shocking command. Pin 6 - shocking pin which connected to ne555 timer. PCB consists MCP1702 IC (3.3V supply for NRF51822 chip), LM555 low voltage supply timer IC to drive 8205A MOSFET at ~60Hz. Power mosfet connected to HV transformer (or Vibro motor, despite that it could be used without 555 timer, at DC). Note that 8205a dual channel transistor have common drain, so it can't be used separately for vibro and transformer, as it might be. RF part design of this board wasn't tested with SWR meter and other special equipment, and was composed by using Nordic Community guidelines and open source projects. Board supply voltage range: 3.9-13.2V. Note that this voltage will be applied to primary of HV transformer.
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 16MHz X1 OSC-SMD_4P-L3.2-W2.5-BL 1
2 3.3nH L3 RESC0402_N 1
3 12pF C1,C2,C13,C14 RESC0402_N 4
4 2.2nF C3 RESC0402_N 1
5 100nF C8 RESC0402_N 1
6 47nF C10 RESC0402_N 1
7 100nF C11 C0201 1
8 1.0nF C9 RESC0402_N 1
9 4.7µF C7 C0201 1
10 32.768kHz X2 OSC-SMD_L3.2-W1.5 1
11 NRF51X22_QFQF U1 QFN40P600X600X90-48_N 1
12 4.7nH L1 RESC0402_N 1
13 10nH L2 RESC0402_N 1
14 2.2pF C5 RESC0402_N 1
15 1.0pF C4 RESC0402_N 1
16 1.5pF C6 RESC0402_N 1
17 F LED1,LED2 LED0402-RD 2
18 01010005 TR1 LPR6235 1
19 0.1u C141 C0402 1
20 MM3Z3V3 ZD2,ZD30 SOD-323_L1.8-W1.3-LS2.5-FD 2
21 1N4148W D31 SOD-123FL_L2.6-W1.6-LS3.4-RD 1
22 10u C23 C1005 1
23 10u C140 C0201 1
24 100n C22 C1005 1
25 0.1u C21 C1005 1
26 MCP1702T-3002E/CB U4 SOT-23-3_L2.9-W1.6-P1.90-LS2.8-BR 1
27 NE555DR U20 SOIC-8_L4.9-W3.9-P1.27-LS6.0-BL 1
28 68 R30 R1005 1
29 5k R31 R1005 1
30 10 R32 R1005 1
31 8205A Q3 TSSOP-8_L4.4-W3.0-P0.65-LS6.4-BL 1
32 10k R24,R22 R1005 2
33 100k R33,R21 R1005 2
34 200 R1,R2 R0201 2
35 6.3k R3 R0201 1


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