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STD fallout holotape


Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2022-05-13 17:50:19
Creation time: 2021-01-04 01:56:31

circuit for fallout style holotape.

powered via wireless charge coil.

data transmitted via a data send diode and two data receiver light receiver diodes.

data requests are getting send from a terminal to the device with a simple and robust protocol, processed on the micro controller and then passed through to the memory chip.

it is designed to use a 16mbit (2m*8) spi flash ic, larger memory chips could be used after code modifications

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Manufacturer Part BOM_Manufacturer BOM_Supplier Part
1 10uF C1 C0805 1 LCSC CL21A106KAYNNNE SAMSUNG C15850
2 AT25SF161-SSHD-T U2 SOIC-8_L5.0-W4.0-P1.27-LS6.0-BL 1 LCSC AT25SF161-SSHD-T Adesto Technologies C161762
3 100nF C2 C0603 1 LCSC CL10B104KB8NNNC SAMSUNG C1591
4 ATTINY85-20SU U1 SOIC-8_L5.3-W5.3-P1.27-LS8.0-BL 1 LCSC ATTINY85-20SU MICROCHIP C89852
5 17-21SURC LED1 LED0805-R-RD 1 LCSC 17-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8 EVERLIGHT C72037
6 PT12-21C/TR8 IR1,IR2 LED1206-R-RD 2 LCSC PT12-21C/TR8 EVERLIGHT C53674
7 330R R1,R2 R0603 2 LCSC 0805W8J0331T5E UniOhm C25306
8 4.7K R3,R4 R0603 2 LCSC RS-05K472JT FH C115310
9 10K R6,R9 R0603 2 LCSC 0805W8J0103T5E UniOhm C25612
10 20K R7 R0603 1 LCSC RS-05K203JT FH C139905
11 10R R8 R0603 1 LCSC WR25X100JTL WALSIN C164035
12 20K R5 RES-ADJ-SMD_VG039NCH 1 LCSC VG039NCHXTB203 HDK C128550
13 C115427 D1,D2 SMA_L4.4-W2.8-LS5.4-RD 2 LCSC RS1M Jingdao C115427
14 2N7002LT1G Q1,Q2 SOT-23_L2.9-W1.3-P0.95-LS2.4-BR 2 LCSC 2N7002LT1G ON C16338
15 ZM4728A ZD1 LL-41_L5.0-W2.5-LS5.0-RD 1 LCSC ZM4728A SEMTECH C38989


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