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STD Conclusion


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Update time: 2019-11-05 10:07:34
Creation time: 2019-11-05 09:35:42
A compare and contrast essay can be written to highlight the various similarities or differences that exist between objects, people or events. It is often written as a review and helps readers understand the merits of a good product or service. Students use these to educate themselves and readers about topics they study in school. An [Essay conclusion](https://essay4students.com/blog/write-essay-conclusion/) can be written on any topic, as related facts are available. Reference information can be gathered from over the internet or library. Choosing a topic that includes two similar or dissimilar parameters to compare is probably the most difficult part of the assignment. Once students get this part right, the essay can be written with ease. There are some innovative methods they can use to generate more interest in the essay. 1. Provide diagrams and charts to increase visibility. In a compare and contrast essay, readers would be only interested in how fast they can get to the information they are interested in. Diagrams and charts offer them more visibility, and it becomes easier to identify the information they seek. 2. Think of breaking up information into small and simple sentences for better understanding. For example, you could use bullets or to numbers for point of comparison or contrast. This method helps writers arrange points in logical order. Editing the essay also becomes simple and to the point. 3. Resist adding irrelevant points based on judgment. A compare and contrast essay has to contain established facts that relate to the topic. Any new point can be added after due research has been conducted. It is not at all difficult to arrive at the right issues. It is important though to take note of new data available on the topic. This would interest readers. 4. An innovative way of representing data would be to include video or audio within the essay. Technology has simplified the use of both in combination with text. It is just a matter of using data with the right combination in place. 5. Using the right terminology is important. For example, a math essay would use terms related to equations, formulas, and mathematical concepts. Readers are interested in the topic and would have some background about it. Care should be taken though that terms related to any new topic in a compare and contrast essay should be elaborated and explained in detail. 6. Learn to build up the essay. The introduction includes the thesis statement which would impart just enough information to interest readers about the topic. The body of the essay would elaborate and explain in details with the help of comparisons and arguments. Finally, the conclusion would reiterate what has been said through the essay. 7. Do not hesitate to pick up controversial topics. It is a known fact that people are interested in topics which have been involved in controversy. The reasons could be varied, but the fact remains that they would like to know why it is controversial and how it would affect them. A controversial compare and contrast essay would always gather a large audience. If your point of view is sound and based on facts, many readers would be interested.
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