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STD mini smart relay switch with 2 input of output

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-12-06 16:15:53
Creation time: 2020-05-22 22:03:59
![4.PNG](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/2vXC3wTWlMAs2ls24IeXwTtDK71b10Y5enqa8NcT.png) ![5.PNG](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/LwNza7bgdWfyXo16ZRuFfS2MMvgFJvdXEALwd5dd.png) **esphome config** esphome: name: smart_1 platform: ESP8266 board: esp01_1m wifi: ssid: "wifi" password: "pass" # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "Smart 1 Fallback Hotspot" password: "gtyeds4et57sz" captive_portal: # Enable logging logger: # Enable Home Assistant API api: password: "pps" ota: password: "pps" binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO0 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: true name: "Office Wall Switch" on_press: - switch.toggle: relay1 - switch.toggle: relay2 - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO12 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: True name: "smart-s1" on_press: - switch.toggle: relay1 on_release: - switch.toggle: relay1 - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO13 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: True name: "smart-s2" on_press: - switch.toggle: relay2 on_release: - switch.toggle: relay2 switch: - platform: gpio name: "smart-r1" pin: GPIO16 id: relay1 - platform: gpio name: "smart-r2" pin: GPIO14 id: relay2 status_led: pin: number: GPIO02 inverted: true
Design Drawing
schematic diagram
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 2.4 GHz PCB Antenna ANT1 PCB ANTENA 2.4GHZ 1
2 10pF C1,C3 C0603 2
3 5.6pF C2 C0603 1
4 1uF C4 C0603 1
5 100nF C5 C0603 1
6 10uF C6 C0805 1
7 1N4001 D1,D2 SEEED-DO-214AC 2
8 Header-Male-2.54_1x4 H1 DIP-1X4P-2.54MM-M 1
9 HDR-M-2.54_1x3 J1 HDR-M-2.54_1X3 1
10 HK4100F-DC3V-SHG K3,K4 HK4100F-DC3V-SHG 2
11 IO2 blue LED1_BLUE LED-1206F 1
12 red TX/1 LED2_RED LED-1206F 1
13 12K R1,R2,R3 R0603 3
14 200 R4 R0603 1
15 620 R5 1206 1
16 330 R6,R8 0603 2
17 300 R7 1206 1
18 Transistor NPN 2N2222 T1,T2 NPN_SOT23 2
19 2.4GHz U1 QFN-32_L5.0-W5.0-P0.50-TL-EP 1
20 W25Q32JVSSIQ_C179173 U2 SOIC-8_L5.3-W5.3-P1.27-LS8.0-BL 1
21 KF15EDG-3.5_8p U3 KF15EDG-3.5_8P 1
22 KLS7-TS6601 U4 KLS7-TS6601 1
23 AMS1117 U5 SOT223 1
24 HLK-PM01 U7 HLK-PM01 1
25 26MHz X1 OSC-SMD_4P-L3.2-W2.5-BL 1


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