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STD LCD 8 Bit Ribbon Cable Adaptor


Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-08-19 15:10:16
Creation time: 2021-07-12 14:29:28

Small board to convert from 2.54mm or 1.27mm pitch on LCD character displays to a flat ribbon cable.

Both patterns are on one board. Just cut the board in half to seperate them. V-scoring would be great. I had them made at a manufacturer here in the US due to timing constraints. They were made "bare bones", with no solder mask or silk screen.

Pay close attention to where Pin 1 is. Moving the IDC header to the back of the board will change the position of Pin 1.

Don't use the BOM listed at the bottom - the 1.27mm header is wrong. Find equilivents of the part numbers listed on the schematic.


Separated with IDC Connector


  Separated, with IDC connector installed.



90 Degree


2.54mm Pitch with 90 degree header.



180 Degree


2.54mm Pitch 180 degree header.



1.27mm Pitch


1.27mm Pitch installed on back of 2x12 LCD Display. The display has 15 pins,

so I snipped the last pin off of the header.



1.27mm Pitch Side


1.27mm Pitch, side view.






Design Drawing
schematic diagram
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