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Update time: 2021-08-30 11:05:01
Creation time: 2020-07-29 17:11:50
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Supplier Part
1 10K R8,R9,R20 RES-ADJ-TH_3362P 3 LCSC C118956
2 3.9 R31,R30 RES-TH_BD4.5-L11.5-P15.50-D0.7 2 LCSC C121602
3 KBPC5010 D1 DIO-BG-TH_KBPC25 1 LCSC C3083
4 1N4007 D2,D3 DO-41_BD2.4-L4.7-P8.70-D0.9-RD 2 LCSC C106903
5 TDA7293V U1,U4 TDA7293V 2 LCSC C96008
6 DIN-327H J1 CONN-TH_DIN-327H 1 LCSC C309325
7 2.2uF C3,C8,C25,C26,C27,C28,C29,C30,C31,C32,C33,C34,C35,C36,C37,C40,C41 CAP-TH_L7.2-W5.0-P5.00-D1.0 17 LCSC C89819
8 100uF C21,C22,C23,C24 CAP-TH_BD10.0-P5.00-D1.0-FD 4 LCSC C340718
9 2.2K R6,R11 RES-TH_BD2.2-L6.5-P10.50-D0.9 2 LCSC C119878
10 1N4148 D4 DO-35_BD2.0-L4.2-P8.20-D0.5-RD 1 LCSC C14538
11 L7915CV U5 TO-220-3_L10.0-W4.5-P2.54-L 1 LCSC C2172
12 4700uF C11,C12,C13,C14,C15,C16,C17,C18,C19,C20 CAP-TH_BD22.0-P10.00-D2.3-FD 10 LCSC C338224
13 L7815CV U6 TO-220-3_L10.0-W4.5-P2.54-L 1 LCSC C5676
14 10nF C4,C5,C6,C7 CAP-TH_L7.2-W6.0-P5.00-D0.5 4 LCSC C92057
15 JL762-76204BA1 J2 CONN-TH_JL762-76204BA1 1 LCSC C424383
16 OUTPUT J3 CONN-TH_JL762-76204BA1 1 LCSC C424383
17 100 R18,R19 DIP-RES-15.5MMX5MM 2 LCSC C122140
18 680 R1,R16 RES-TH_BD2.3-L6.5-P10.50-D0.5 2 LCSC C119320
19 10K R3,R4,R7,R10,R13,R14,R21,R22,R23,R24,R26 RES-TH_BD2.3-L6.5-P10.50-D0.5 11 LCSC C119347
20 22K R25,R2,R5,R12,R15,R17 RES-TH_BD2.3-L6.5-P10.50-D0.5 6 LCSC C119354
21 33K R27 RES-TH_BD2.3-L6.5-P10.50-D0.5 1 LCSC C119347
22 2K R28 RES-TH_BD2.3-L6.5-P10.50-D0.5 1 LCSC C119347
23 1K R29 RES-TH_BD2.3-L6.5-P10.50-D0.5 1 LCSC C119347
24 22uF C1,C2,C9,C10,C38,C39 CAP-TH_BD6.3-P2.50-D1.0-FD 6 LCSC C250970
25 CF4558GP U3,U2,U7 DIP-8_L9.7-W6.4-P2.54-LS7.6-BL 3 LCSC C523728


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