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STD Ben Eater 8- Bit Computer with Modifications


Mode: Editors' pick

  • 18.4k
  • 3
  • 17
Update time: 2021-11-03 15:10:04
Creation time: 2017-08-22 17:18:17
These are the schematics for Ben Eaters 8-Bit Computer. Modifications have been, or will be made, so that the memory is 256 Bytes instead of 16. You can find part lists on ben Eaters website: https://eater.net/
Design Drawing
schematic diagram
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 1k R1,R2,R3,R4,R5 AXIAL-0.3 5
2 1M R7 AXIAL-0.3 1
3 0.01uF C1,C2 RAD-0.1 2
4 0.1uF C4,C5 RAD-0.1 2
5 1uF C6 RAD-0.1 1
6 -LM555 U3,U2,U1 DIL08 3
7 SN74LS04N Inverter U5,U2,U1,U3,U4 DIP14 5
8 SN74LS08N AND U6,U1,U5,U7,U8,U2,U9,U10,U4 DIP14 9
9 SN74LS32N OR U4,U1,U11,U3 DIP14 4
10 1M R9 RES-ADJ_3386P 1
11 6*6*12SMD Tactile Switch SW4 KEY-6.0*6.0 1
12 EG1218 SW1 SW3-2.5-11.6X4.0X5.4+2.0MM 1
13 204-10UYC/S530-A3 LED9,LED1,LED2,LED3,LED4,LED5,LED6,LED7,LED16,LED8,LED10,LED11,LED12,LED13,LED14,LED15,LED17,LED18,LED19,LED20,LED21,LED22,LED23,LED24,LED25,LED26,LED27,LED28,LED29,LED30,LED31,LED32 LED-3MM/2.54 32
14 SN74LS173AN U1,U2,U3 DIP16 3
15 74LS245N U5,U7,U3,U2 DIP20 4
16 74LS161N U8,U9,U1 DIP16 3
17 UPD43256BGU-70L U1 NONE 1
18 HD74LS83AP U1,U3,U4,U2 DIP16 4
19 SN74LS86AN U3,U4 DIP14 2
20 SN74LS85N U1,U2 DIP16 2
21 CAT28C16AL-20 U2,U3,U4,U5 DIP24-600 4


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