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STD Six axis acceleration sensor module


Mode: Editors' pick

Cloned from Six axis acceleration sensor module

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Update time: 2018-03-15 11:45:35
Creation time: 2018-03-15 11:45:33
1、Module description: MPU-60X0 of the gyroscope and accelerometer were used in 16 three bit ADC, the amount of analog output to be converted into digital output. In order to get the precise tracking of the fast and slow motion, the measurement range of the sensor is user controllable, gyro measurement range is 250 +, + 500, 1000 +, + 2000 DEG / sec (DPS), accelerometer measurable range is + 2, + 4, + 8, + 16g. 2、Function Description: Digital output 6 or 9 axis of the rotation matrix, four yuan (quaternion), Euler angle format (Angle forma Euler) data fusion algorithm. Sensor with 131 /sec degree LSBs/ sensitivity and full range of sensing range is + 250, + 500, + 3 and + 2000 degrees /sec 1000 axis angular velocity sensor (Tuo Luoyi). Programmable control, and the program control range of + 2G, + 4G, + 8g and + 16g 3 axis accelerator. 3、Description of each function module: ![enter image description here][1] 4、Components and PCB diagram before welding: ![enter image description here][2] 5、Physical map after welding: ![enter image description here][3] ![enter image description here][4] ![enter image description here][5] [1]: /editor/20160627/57708db046f57.png [2]: /editor/20160627/57708dc0d11bf.jpg [3]: /editor/20160627/57708dd5c51cd.jpg [4]: /editor/20160627/57708dda1f09f.jpg [5]: /editor/20160627/57708de0da89c.jpg
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 MPU6050 U1 MPU6050 1
2 1k R1,R5 3-0603 2
3 10R R2 3-0603 1
4 104 C1,C4 C-0603 2
5 10uF C2,C3 C-0603 2
6 MP20045DN U2 MP-SOIC-8 1
7 2.2uf C5,C6 C-0603 2
8 12k R3 3-0603 1
9 10k R4 3-0603 1
10 100pF C7 C-0603 1
11 LED D1 L-0603 1
12 SIP6 P1 HDR1X6 1


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