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STD LORA RA-01 Adapter

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-07-03 02:48:30
Creation time: 2021-06-18 23:43:22

The adapter will make the Lora Ra-01 easier to plug with the arduino and to place it on breadboard, it has a power regulator (buck converter) the voltage can be set with the trim pot (if powered with 5V it can be lowered to 3.3V even if powered with more than 5V).

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Supplier Part BOM_Manufacturer BOM_Manufacturer Part
1 8.2K R2,R3 R0603 2 LCSC C267564 Shenzhen Eyang Tech Development R0603RXX753XJ10LTS
2 100K R4 R0603 1 LCSC C267564 Shenzhen Eyang Tech Development R0603RXX753XJ10LTS
3 Header2.54mm 1*8P J1,J2 HDR-TH_8P-P2.54-V 2 LCSC C49256 ReliaPro Header2.54mm 1*8P
4 MP2307DN-LF-Z U2 SOP-8_L4.9-W3.9-P1.27-LS6.0-BL-EP 1 LCSC C18921 MPS MP2307DN-LF-Z
5 HQ17-2102UYC LED1 LED0805-RD 1 LCSC C154488 HARVATEK HQ17-2102UYC
6 RA-01 U1 WIRELM-SMD_RA-01 1 LCSC C90040 Ai-Thinker Ra-01
7 10nF C5 C0603 1 LCSC C141081 KEMET C0603C104K3RAC7867
8 4.8nF C3 C0603 1 LCSC C141081 KEMET C0603C104K3RAC7867
9 0.1uF C4 C0603 1 LCSC C141081 KEMET C0603C104K3RAC7867
10 390 R5 R0805 1 LCSC C267255 Shenzhen Eyang Tech Development R0805RXX472XJ08LTB
11 200K R1 RES-ADJ-TH_3P-L9.5-W4.85-P2.50-BL-BS 1 LCSC C118942 Chengdu Guosheng Tech 3296W-1-204
12 10uH L1 IND-SMD_L5.9-W5.2 1 LCSC C334015 Jinlai JSHC0520H-100M-G
13 Female header1*2P P1,P2 HDR-TH_2P-P2.00-V 2 LCSC C66509 BOOMELE Female header1*2P
14 SS34-E3/57T D1 SMC_L7.1-W6.2-LS8.1-RD 1 LCSC C13354 VISHAY SS34-E3/57T
15 SS-12D10L9 SW1 SW-TH_SS-12D10L9 1 LCSC C319011 XKB Enterprise SS-12D10L9
16 12uF C1,C2 C1206 2 LCSC C314237 Shenzhen Eyang Tech Development C1206X7R102K202NR0


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