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Update time: 2018-08-19 20:05:46
Creation time: 2018-02-06 05:52:39
Purpose: sequential connection of 6 18650 batteries. 2 modes of work. - 24 V Load to batteries: All batteries are getting in sequential circuit when connect signal is on (5V). - Charging: Connect signal is off. Charging Voltage 5-8 V is applied on P5. [TP4056][1] is used to charge/control the battery. On separate board LED will be used to show CHRG and STDBY status. [LTC4412][2] is used to connect 18-24 V output to load or another battery pack as following: ![enter image description here][3] Here is module sample for LTC4412 connection: ![enter image description here][4] [Mosfet][5] [1]: https://dlnmh9ip6v2uc.cloudfront.net/datasheets/Prototyping/TP4056.pdf [2]: http://cds.linear.com/docs/en/datasheet/4412fb.pdf [3]: /editor/20180206/5a79352b49baa.png [4]: /editor/20180206/5a7955db33921.png [5]: https://www.mouser.com/ds/2/308/FQP30N06L-1120205.pdf
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 WJ2EDGVC-5.08-2P P5,P6,P7,P8,P10,P13,P14,P16 WJ2EDGVC-5.08-2P 8
2 0.4 R7 AXIAL-0.4 1
3 100nF C1 1206 1
4 100uF C2 CASE-D_7343 1
5 TP4056 U5,U6,U7,U11,U12,U13 SOP-8_EP_150MIL 6
6 1.2K R8,R9,R10,R11,R13,R14 AXIAL-0.4 6
7 FQP30N06L Q5,Q4,Q6,Q11,Q12,Q13 TO220V 6
8 HDR-IDC-2.0-2X10P P15 HDR-IDC-2.0-2X10P 1
9 LTC4412ES6PBF U15 NONE 1
10 FQP27P06 Q14 TO220V 1
11 470K R19 AXIAL-0.5 1
12 1uF C3 CASE-D_7343 1
13 4.7K 1/2W R20 AXIAL-0.5 1
14 4.7K R21 AXIAL-0.5 1


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