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STD Arduino Laser Cannon

License: TAPR Open Hardware License

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2023-04-13 20:15:48
Creation time: 2020-03-20 01:40:17
This PCB is a simple Arduino Nano based Laser Cannon! We here at ACBR ship our Robotic Laser Cannon Kits with an RF Nano (Arduino Nano with built-in NRF24L01), so the laser cannon can be controlled using the onboard joystick, or through the integrated radio chip. Either way, it's a ton of fun. We have these available as full kits with everything you need in our shop online, but we wanted to post our board here for anyone who may want to customize it! If you do pick one up from us, thank you so much. We donate as much of the proceeds as we possibly can. One of the biggest goals of ACBR is to donate robotics equipment to students all around the world. For a full build video, as well as a programming guide and RF Nano Guide, check out our online tutorials and Youtube Channel. Enjoy! Youtube.com/insert here Anyonecanbuildrobots.com/ insert here.
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