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STD Gravador Esp 32 PICO D4

License: MIT

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2020-05-02 16:32:55
Creation time: 2018-09-04 12:05:34
Gravador para Esp 32 pico D4
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity Manufacturer Part Manufacturer Supplier Mounted
1 ESP32 U1 QFN-48_6X6X04P 1 ESP32 ESPRESSIF LCSC Yes C80134
2 2KΩ R1,R5 0805 2 0805W8J0202T5E UniOhm LCSC Yes C1359
3 led Green LED1 LED-1206 1 led Green KENTO LCSC Yes C14641
4 22uF C1,C2 1206 2 CL31B226KPHNNNE SAMSUNG LCSC Yes C87996
5 LD1117AG-50-AA3-A-R U2 SOT-223 1 LD1117AG-50-AA3-A-R UTC LCSC Yes C71124
6 BAT760-7 D1 SOD-323 1 BAT760-7 DIODES LCSC Yes C124187
7 LESD5Z5.0CT1G D2,D3,D4 SOD-523 3 LESD5Z5.0CT1G LRC LCSC Yes C136167
8 R2,R3,R10,R11 0805 4 0805W8F0000T5E UniOhm LCSC Yes C17477
9 CP2102N-A01-GQFN28 U3 QFN-28_5X5X05P 1 CP2102N-A01-GQFN28 SILICON LABS LCSC Yes C105167
10 4.7uF C3 0603 1 CL10A475MQ8NNNC SAMSUNG LCSC Yes C154959
11 100nF C4,C5,C6 0805 3 CL21F104ZBCNNNC SAMSUNG LCSC Yes C1760
12 10KΩ(103) R4,R8,R9,R12 1206 4 CR1206J40103G LIZ LCSC Yes C102269
13 47.5KΩ R6 0805 1 0805W8F4752T5E UniOhm LCSC Yes C26011
14 22.1KΩ(2212) R7 0805 1 RTT052212FTP RALEC LCSC Yes C104113
15 SS8050-G Q1,Q2 SOT-23(SOT-23-3) 2 SS8050-G CJ LCSC Yes C164886
16 10uF C7 1206 1 CL31B106KOHNNNE SAMSUNG LCSC Yes C47971
17 micro USBFemale USB1 MICRO-USB-1 1 micro USBFemale ValuePro LCSC Yes C10418


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