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STD 20x7 R/G Dot Matrix

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-12-25 08:23:27
Creation time: 2018-08-31 21:46:27
Four Dot Matrix displays with Red/Green dots connected together. Data is sent for example from Commodore 64 (C64) and stored in shift registers which drive LEDs, meanwhile next line is loaded. This design should be able to connect three boards together and fill at once with six data lines, and two clock lines. Therefore 8bit Commodore 64 is enough to handle it. This is first version, REV 1.0, my first PCB ever. In project cover picture you can see two boards connected together. My personal record was 200Hz update rate from almost 1Mhz CPU of the Commodore 64
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 270 R1,R3,R5,R7,R9,R11,R13,R15,R17,R19,R21,R23,R25,R27,R29,R31,R33,R35,R37,R39 AXIAL-0.3 20
2 470 R2,R4,R6,R8,R10,R12,R14,R16,R18,R20,R22,R24,R26,R28,R30,R32,R34,R36,R38,R40 AXIAL-0.3 20
3 150 R41,R42,R43,R44,R45,R46,R47,R48 AXIAL-0.4 8
4 5 DC V1 KONEKTOR DC 2.1 1
5 Header-Female-2.54_1x10 P1 HDR-10X1/2.54 1
6 Header-Female-2.54_1x8 P2,P3 HDR-8X1/2.54 2
7 74HC237 U11 DIP16 1
8 ULN2003 U12 DIP16 1
9 5x7 Dot Matrix Red/Green U1,U3,U5,U7 5X7 DOT MATRIX 4
10 74HC595 U2,U4,U6,U8,U9,U10 DIP16 6
11 Header-Female-2.54_1x10 J1 HDR-TH_10PIN-V-FEMALE-PITCH2.54 1
12 210S-2*5P L=11.6MMGold-plated black H1 210S-2.54-2X5P 1


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