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STD Wellness and College Students

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Update time: 2019-11-22 09:46:05
Creation time: 2019-11-22 09:36:32
Wellness is a state of ideal well-being. It is a combination of factors that work together to maximize the potential of an individual. Wellness is a whole rounded and holistic approach to living that allows factors to work together to maximize the utility of an individual. It is a process that aims at enhancing emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual, social and environmental well-being of all students. It is vital for students, especially those living on campus to strike a balance between wellness and studies. It is this balance that allows them to concentrate on their education and achieve all the desired results. The above noted dimensions of wellness are the most vital aspects towards achieving satisfaction and one’s personal goals. The key to a successful and a productive life on campus is finding one’s personal level of wellness and finding ways on how to strike a balance between studies. Wellness involves understanding self and interlinking one’s personal strengths to achieve the desired goals. To be all rounded, an individual has to find the optimal balance between the components of the self. They include the emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, social and environmental aspects. It is an individual who understands how to interlink the functions of the above noted dimensions and have them work together that will fulfill their wellness and have an effective life on campus, either through studies or interaction with other students. At the University of San Francisco (USF), the administration aims at providing an environment conducive for students from all aspects of life. They provide an environment that encourages students to find equilibrium between their studies and other aspects of the curriculum. Whether through the programs offered or the types of shops they set up on campus, the administration has seen to it that the learning environment exudes wellness and has provided a comfortable dwelling place for students. Wellness is a concern to college students because it ensures an optimal balance between their environment, health and the results they attain in their studies. Wellness, as noted above is a balance between different parameters. This balance and those parameters are the determinants of a student’s success rate. Wellness also determines a student’s comfort during their stay on campus. There are those students whose homes are far away from the institutions they study in. These students need to feel accepted and welcomed in their residing houses. This is achievable through wellness programs and intervention from the administration. It is evident that for success to be the defining factor of all students in the campus there ought to be wellness in the campus and accord between the students. It is clear that the students also need to find a balance while living with each other due to the diverse background. Wellness is the determinant factor towards a civil society and a life between all the students on campus. Despite all these efforts by the administration to advocate for wellness, there are some factors that threaten to cause an imbalance in the trade-off between campus wellness and the life of the student population. This factor is the prevailing high rate of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Although eradication of STDs on campus is a daunting and difficult task, there are a number of measures that the campus has followed to ensure that the number remains low. Opening up pharmacies that supply the students with protection such as condoms is one such measure. Campus students will want to experiment with sex, and it is the duty of the administration to ensure that, since they cannot stop the students from fulfilling their desires, they have to provide some form of protection. There are also regular awareness campaigns created to educate the students on the perks of practicing safe sex and being healthy. The rising and prevailing rates of students with STDs are threatening the wealth balance of the student population. Wellness encompasses healthy living and absence of any disease in the student population. STDs threaten to take this balance and reduce the wellness and comfort of the student population. It is clear that wellness encompasses all aspects of student life such as health, social balance and interaction between students; it also encompasses interpersonal relationships. STD threatens these aspects by reducing social interaction and relationships. Students who are thought to have a sexually transmitted disease are isolated by the rest of the student population for fear of contamination. This causes an imbalance in the optimal wellness at which the students has previously settled. It is evident that campus life has a lot to offer the students who find their way there. The University of San Francisco is no different. There are different students from different backgrounds who are expected to live together. This is one factor that warrants for there to be an optimal balance on the wellness side of the students. They are tasked with forming relationship that will see them through campus successfully. However, the issue of STDs threatens to break this wellness cycle, since those students known to have the sexually transmitted diseases amongst the student population will be isolated, hence breaking the wellness balance. It is clear that wellness is a vital aspect of survival in any given campus; hence the reason why the management and administration of USF has done all that is in their power to provide tools that work towards enhancing the wellness atmosphere in the institution. Melissa Thomas is a young author enthusiast who works at https://best-writing-service.com. She likes experimenting with the style of presentation.
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