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STD ESP32-CAM Doorbell Ai Thinker


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Update time: 2021-07-30 23:03:55
Creation time: 2020-10-15 08:03:52
# ESP32cam-doorbell **ESP32-CAM Doorbell** *Low budget version* **Needed** - ESP32-CAM AI-Thinker - 5v 1amp power supply (eg: phone charger) - 5v Led momentary button (which includes a resistor) - Universal phone fisheye lens. - 2 x 1k resistor - 16v 100mf capacitor - A way to flash the ESP32-CAM (FTDI adapters are cheap) - A post image server (LAMP) **Install LAMP server** Can be done on multiple ways, I run a RaspberryPi Virtual Machine on a windows server. See tutorial: *https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-cam-post-image-photo-server/* *A manual install of phpmyadmin might be needed.* *"http://192.168.x.x/gallery.php" is the location you will find your pictures.* **see github projectfiles:** *https://github.com/moxl-420/ESP32cam-doorbell* **see wiring and download gerberfile:** *https://easyeda.com/moxl/doorbell* **see Thingiverseto download stl.** *https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4602738* **Use Github files** **!!! This needs to be build in platform.io. !!!** BaudRate: 115200 - Adapt config.h to change the user parameters and connection to wifi. **Default pins (change in config.h)** - Button = 12 (1K resistor pulled to ground) - Led = 13 (you need a resistor if your led in the button doesn't come with one) - Buzzer = 15 (2n222 NPN with 1k resistor.) Wiring can be found: *https://easyeda.com/moxl/doorbell* *Thanks to Reddit/r/esp32*
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