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Update time: 2022-05-31 13:25:28
Creation time: 2021-07-19 17:36:14
**Source code and more info about this project on [GitHub](https://github.com/elbowz/thumbl-p)** ## THUMBL-P ##### Temperature HUmidity Motion Buzzer Light - Pressure THUMBL-P is a device with the following sensors and actuators: * `SwitchNode` aka *Led* * `BME280Node` aka *Temperature*, *Humidity* and *Pressure* * `BinarySensorNode` aka *Motion* or *Pir* * `ButtonNode` aka *Button* for user input * `GL5528Node` extend `AdcNode` aka *photoresistor* for luminosity * Buzzer, implemented in the Homie "classic way" `HomieNode` All the sensor are published on MQTT topic and will be updated following the given `RetentionVar` policies (eg. 0.8 lux absolute variation). Buzzer can playback rtttl format melodies. These can be preset or sent in a json payload through `/play` topic, eg: * Raw text for preset melodies `tetris` * Json for preset or custom melodies, enriched with number of repetition and ms gap: ``` json { "preset": "siren", "loop-count": 3, "loop-gap": 1000 } ``` ``` json { "rtttl": "The Simpsons:d=4,o=5,b=160:c.6,e6,f#6,8a6,g.6,e6,c6,8a,8f#,8f#,8f#,2g,8p,8p,8f#,8f#,8f#,8g,a#.,8c6,8c6,8c6,c6", "loop-count": 2, "loop-gap": 2000 } ``` It can work also without a connection: switch on led on motion detected (*pir*) during night (*photoresistor*). The led light timeout and lux treshold can be set by `HomieSetting`: *lightOnMotionTimeout, lightOnMotionMaxLux* ### Getting Started Compile and upload with [PlatformIO](https://platformio.org/): `pio run --target upload` ### Notes It should be taken as example to explain the [YAHNC](https://github.com/elbowz/yahnc) (Yet Another Homie Node Collection) libs. So mainly to compare a classic HomieNode implementation (eg Buzzer) with the other Nodes (eg `BME280Node`) ### Credits [https://oshwlab\.com/Miraculix200/esp12\-minimal\-with\-headers\_copy\_copy](https://oshwlab.com/Miraculix200/esp12-minimal-with-headers_copy_copy)
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ID Name Designator Quantity
1 2N2222 Q1,Q2 2
2 1K R1,R5 2
3 75 R2 1
4 SPST_Open S1 1
5 5 V5,V3 2
6 3.3 V6,V2 2
7 Multimeter VLED1,VBUZZER 2
8 1N4148 D1 1
9 SS8050 Q5,Q3 2
10 435 R3 1
11 16 RBUZZER 1
12 R=1K+(1K*1K*time) RPHOTORESISTOR 1
13 resmeas U1 1
14 HDR-M-2.54_1x2 BUTTON 1
15 100n C1 1
16 10u C4 1
17 22u C5 1
18 1N4148 D3 1
19 3x6x2.5mm FLASH,RESET 2
20 HDR-F-2.54_1x5 H1 1
21 Status LED2 1
22 Power LED3 1
23 Light LED4 1
24 10k R1,R2,R3,R4 4
25 GL5528 R7 1
26 1k R8,R9,R11,R13 4
27 75 R10 1
28 435 R12 1
30 ESP-12F(ESP8266MOD) U1 1
31 BME280 U2 1
32 AMS1117-3.3 U3 1
33 AM312 U4 1


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