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STD Parental Guidance

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Update time: 2019-07-18 09:22:53
Creation time: 2019-07-18 09:18:19
As per the [Mom and baby magazine](https://nuralife.com/en/about-us/), it is suggested that woman should take care of herself during her pregnancy days in respect of flu. Women are more likely to get infected because of flu in their pregnancy days. So, it is suggested that protecting the body against flu by getting the flu vaccine during pregnancy provides protection to the unborn baby as well as the mother. The flu vaccine which is applied to the expecting mothers is made with an inactive form of the virus so it is safe for them at any point during pregnancy and is also safe for breastfeeding women. As per the [Pregnancy tips](https://nuralife.com/en/) which are given by the experts, it is suggested that the expecting mothers should not get the nasal version of the vaccine which contains partially live virus. The mothers who are in the stage of breastfeeding their babies should either receive a shot or the nasal form to help protect the babies. Also, Mom and baby magazine provides preventive tips for protection against the flu. Preventive practices should be followed regularly like the washing of hands, using sanitizers, covering the nose while coughing and staying away from people who are sick and avoid crowded areas. Also, eating right, sleeping adequately, managing stress etc helps the mother to strengthen the immune system so that the body is prepared to fight against any kind of external virus. It is very important for expecting mothers to keep themselves healthy during pregnancy days.
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