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STD HS10X front end

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2022-01-08 10:25:52
Creation time: 2020-05-30 19:24:41
Analog front end for HS10X oscilloscope. - https://www.martinloren.com/hs10x-diy-oscilloscopes/ - http://hscope.martinloren.com/HS10X-custom-modules.html Aiming for 1MOhn/~20pF input for use with 1X/10X oscilloscope probes. Ranges: - 0-20V or - +-5V and +-15V attenuate to 0-3.3V ADC input. 5V available. Martin Loren published a multi-range example with ~1MOhm Zin, but: 1. single channel 2. Maximally attenuates then variably amplifies (tho MCU noise prolly buries any penalty. but still.) 3. magic amp (an interesting item and cheap-ish, but function baked into H-Scope ap appears hard to hack) Challenge: buffering very high impedance signal with jellybean parts. - Because spending more on op amps than on the uc board would violate the spirit of the problem - Seemed like it would easy Non-answers: - LM358 - slow & input bias current - TL072 - fast & FET input, but needs ~4V from lower rail - FETs on hand - 0ish bias current, but all trade high gate C for low Rdson - NPNs on hand - slow - BFR93 - jellybean RF NPN is fast enough; can sim a Darlington emitter-follower with speed, lo Zout & hi Zin but gain is unity-ish for small signals and 0-3.3 (+Vbe) of 5V isn't that. - swinging 0-3.3V on 0-5V supply hits slew limits of devices with nominal b/w. Answer: AD823 fast FET input low V op amps. good from lower rail to above 3.3V at 5V supply. jellybean cheap at dimes/unit in so8 dual packages from AliExpress. (tho >$1@ for DIP8 & >$3@ from reputable sources). Looks good in sim. Ordered.
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ID Name Designator Quantity
1 8p C1 1
2 29.4p C2 1
3 10p C3 1
4 60.6p C4 1
5 20p C5 1
6 13.3p C6 1
7 0 V3,V1 2
8 1.65 V4 1
9 SPDT_Open S2,S3 2
10 Square(495k 50 5 10) XFG1 1
11 PULSE(0 5 0 1n 1n 106n 1u) V2 1
12 SPST_Open S4 1
13 680k R3 1
14 320k R4 1
15 1K R1 1
16 1333k R2 1
17 2000k R9,R10 2
18 1000K R5 1
20 myAD823A U1 1


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