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STD PTT Sequencer

License: GPL 3.0

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2020-06-07 15:48:48
Creation time: 2020-05-05 16:05:40
This is a prototype ATTiny MCU to delay power, bias and TX relais by a few ms to avoid SWR spikes with high power on a TLT design PA. I used it also to check the limits of the JLPCB how small and close it works for them. it is just added to another board order to fool around and have a tiny arduino board optocoupled and 12V is flexible at hand. Inspired by eb104.ru to download the arduino code any arduino is needed in ICP mode, see https://bit.ly/2AM6XAZ The BIAS output can drive 2A, 25W if a BD238 is used.
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier Part BOM_Supplier
1 HDR-M-2.54_2x2 J1 HDR-M-2.54_2X2 1 C66690 LCSC
2 2.2K R5,R10,R11,R12,R13 R0805 5 C228697 LCSC
3 470 R1,R2 R0805 2 C114564 LCSC
4 TCMD4000 U1 SOP-16_L10.3-W5.4-P1.27-LS7.8-BL 1 C142642 LCSC
5 ATTINY13A-SU U2 SOIC-8_L5.3-W5.3-P1.27-LS8.0-BL 1 C9805 LCSC
6 BD238 Q3 TO-126_L7.8-W2.7-P2.30-L 1 C44525 LCSC
7 10K R7 R0805 1 C140868 LCSC
8 100nF C4,C5,C6,C7,C8 C0603 5 C15725 LCSC
9 BZV55-B5V1 D1 SOD-80_L3.5-W1.5-RD 1 C108432 LCSC
10 100K R14 R0603 1 C253331 LCSC
11 100uF C2 CAP-SMD_L3.5-W2.8-R-RD 1 C7196 LCSC
12 HDR-F-2.54_1x4 H1 HDR-F-2.54_1X4 1 C225501 LCSC
13 HDR-M-2.54_1x4 J2 HDR-M-2.54_1X4 1 C124378 LCSC


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