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STD FieldSequentialColorConverterV1

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-12-22 20:39:04
Creation time: 2021-10-14 16:02:11


Composite video to field sequential color converter

U1 (TDA4555) demodulates color, filtered luma is delayed and color is sharpened in U2 (TDA4565), U3 (CD4017) and U4 (CD4066) then select desired color channel on which composite sync is restored and resulting signal outputted.


TR1 - Burst gating duration, set to minimum and turn up just until you get color.

TR2 - Hue (NTSC only), adjust for correct color tones.

TR3 - Luma delay, keep at maximum (yes can be left out).

TR4 - Blue level, adjust for correct blue saturation.

TR5 - Blue offset, adjust for correct blue brightness.

TR6 - Red level, adjust for correct red saturation, should be adjusted first.

TR7 - Green level, adjust for correct green saturation.

TR8 - Green offset, adjust for correct green brightness.

TR9 - Cyan level, adjust for correct cyan saturation.

TR10 - Cyan offset, adjust for correct cyan brightness.


Motor controller

Senses colorwheel rotation speed and phase, phase compares (XOR) the colorwheel rotation with red sync, resulting PWM signal then fine tunes motor speed, for phase and lock fine adjustment a TR11 trimmer is provided.


TR11 - Phase and lock, adjust for lock and correct phase (color purity).

Design Drawing
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ID Name Designator Quantity
1 120p C1,C8 2
2 82p C2,C10 2
3 22n C3,C11,C12,C16,C18,C21 6
4 180p C4,C5 2
5 10n C6,C7,C23 3
6 220p C9,C19,C25,C30,C31 5
7 47n C13 1
8 470n C14,C15,C26,C27,C28 5
9 10u C17 1
10 470p C20,C29,C35 3
11 330p C22,C32 2
12 10u C24 1
13 PAL Delay H1 1
14 Service H2 1
15 10u L1,L2 2
16 BC547 Q1,Q2,Q4,Q5,Q6,Q8,Q9,Q10,Q11,Q13,Q14,Q15,Q20,Q21 14
17 BC557 Q3,Q7,Q12,Q16,Q17,Q18,Q19,Q22 8
18 75 R1 1
19 470 R2,R57,R61,R68 4
20 10k R3,R4,R7,R8,R9,R11,R14,R15,R16,R18,R19,R22,R35,R36,R63,R71,R74,R80,R85,R89 20
21 1k R5,R17,R20,R34,R39,R44,R45,R53,R60,R66,R67,R70 12
22 2k2 R6,R65,R79,R81,R82 5
23 1M R10 1
24 4k7 R12,R13,R38,R87,R88 5
25 8k2 R21,R47 2
26 3k3 R23,R25,R54 3
27 18k R24 1
28 6k8 R26 1
29 47k R27,R28,R83,R84 4
30 30p TC1,TC2 2
31 100k TR1 1
32 10k TR2,TR3,TR12 3
33 TDA4555 U1 1
34 7.16M X1 1
35 8.86M X2 1
36 100p C33,C34 2
37 100u C36 1
38 100n C37 1
39 1N4148 D1,D2,D3 3
40 12k R29 1
41 27k R30 1
42 1k2 R31 1
43 5k6 R32,R48,R51,R55,R58 5
44 680 R33,R37 2
45 100 R40,R41,R77,R78 4
46 100k R42,R46,R69,R72,R73 5
47 33k R43 1
48 1k8 R49,R56,R59 3
49 15k R50 1
50 1k5 R52 1
51 56 R62 1
52 560 R64 1
53 RGB/RC SW1 1
54 5k TR4,TR6,TR7,TR9 4
55 500R TR5,TR8,TR10 3
56 TDA4565 U2 1
57 CD4017BE U3 1
58 CD4066BD U4 1
59 MOTOR M1,M2 2
60 220 R75 1
61 39 R76 1
62 1k TR11 1
63 Colorwheel sensor U5,U6 2
64 BD139 Q23 1
65 22k R86 1
66 4V7 ZD1 1


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