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STD Wemos D1 + RS485


Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2022-07-06 19:16:32
Creation time: 2019-05-15 11:50:13
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Manufacturer Part BOM_Supplier BOM_Supplier Part BOM_Manufacturer
1 22k R5 0805 1 RTT05223JTP LCSC C104117 RALEC
2 MAX3485ESA\nSN65HVD12D U1 SOIC-8_150MIL 1 MAXIM LCSC C18148 MAX3485ESA
3 120 R1 0805 1 GBD201209PGH121N LCSC C142395 Gotrend
4 10k R9,R10,R4 0805 3 TC0525F1002T5E LCSC C57245 UniOhm
5 1k R7,R6 0805 2 MCR10EZPJ221 LCSC C308441 ROHM Semicon
6 220R R2,R3 0805 2 BLM21AG221SN1D LCSC C88991 MuRata
7 Termination J1 HDR-2X1/2.54 1 Header-Male-2.54_1x2 LCSC C36717 LCSC
8 WJ15EDGRC-3.81-3P P2,P1 WJ15EDGRC-3.81-3P 2 WJ15EDGRC-3.81-3P LCSC C8406 ReliaPro
9 WJ15EDGK-3.81-3P P3 WJ2EDGVC-5.08-3P 1 WJ2EDGVC-5.08-3P LCSC C8430 ReliaPro
10 DS18B20+ U2 TO-92(TO-92-3) 1 DS18B20+ LCSC C9753 MAXIM
11 4.7KΩ(4701) R8 1206 1 TC0525B4701T5E LCSC C47010 UniOhm
12 LED-Red LED2 LED-0603 1 D-B060306B1-KS2 LCSC C118339 Wuxi ARK Tech Elec
13 LED-Green LED1 LED-0603 1 D-G060306G1-KS2 LCSC C118334 Wuxi ARK Tech Elec
14 Header-Female-2.54_1x8 JP2,JP1 HDR-8X1/2.54 2 Female headerHDR1X8-2.54 LCSC C27438 BOOMELE
15 Header-Male-2.54_2x4 P4 HDR-4X2/2.54 1 Header2X4P 2.54mm LCSC C58363 ReliaPro
16 BC557B Q1 TO-92(TO-92-3)-2.54 1 BC557B LCSC C2093 CJ
17 1.5nF C1 CAP_0805 1 0805N152J500 LCSC C123641 WTC


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