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STD Simple Diode

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2020-05-06 10:04:36
Creation time: 2020-04-29 14:48:54
This is a simple project with a Power Supply, a Diode, and a Resistor. The goal of this project is simply to test my old electronic knowledge. Around the web, there are a lot of resources that explain how a diode works, for example: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/diodes/all I connected a 12V DC battery to a diode connected in series to a 10k Resistor. There are some multimeters just to check the current that passes and the voltage on the resistor (Vd=12V-Vr). I used a 1N4148 diode, datasheet here: https://www.diodes.com/assets/Datasheets/ds12019.pdf Looking at the datasheet we see that this diode requests at least a 0.62 V to start flows and a max of 1V for 300mA of current. I tested the circuit with different resistors and Vd changed in a range of 0.6-0.9V, so in general, it is convenient to consider Vd=0.7V on average. With a good approximation: Vr=V-Vd Ir=Vr/R To make calculus more precise, when the resistor is: * 10k we can consider Vd=0.6 Tests with different Resistors ------------------------------ R=10k Vd=0.6 Ir=1.14 mA Vr=11.51V R=1k Vd=0.7 Ir=11 mA Vr=11.3V R=0.5k Vd=0.77 Ir=23 mA Vr=11.26V R=100 Vd=0.86 Ir=111 mA Vr=11.13V
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 12 V1 HDR1X2 1
2 Multimeter XMM1,XMM2 2
3 10k R1 AXIAL-0.3 1
4 1N4148 D1 DO-35_BD2.0-L4.0-P8.00-D0.5-FD 1


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