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Update time: 2021-04-10 08:05:31
Creation time: 2016-01-12 05:39:54
Introduction The Bluetooth Shield integrates a Serial Bluetooth module. It can be easily used with Arduino/Seeedstudio for transparent wireless serial communication. You can choose two pins from Arduino D0 to D7 as Software Serial Ports to communicate with Bluetooth Shield (D0 and D1 is Hardware Serial Port). The shield also has two Grove connectors (one is Digital, the other is Analog) for you to install Grove modules. Features Input Voltage: 3.3V Baudrate: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800 Seeeduino/Arduino compatible Up to10m communication distance in house without obstacle UART interface (TTL) with programmable baud rate (SPP firmware installed) Default Baud rate: 38400, Data bits: 8, Stop bit: 1, Parity: No parity Default PINCODE:”0000” A full set of configuration commands On board PCB Antenna FCC Part 15 Certificated Interface funcion BluetoothInterface.jpg Pad Type Description PIO1 Status instruction port of Bluetooth module can be read by Arduino A1 port: low-disconnected, high-connected. BT_RX UART Data input of Bluetooth module. BT_TX UART Data output Bluetooth module. Two Grove connectors One is Digital (D8 and D9), the other is I2C/Analog (A4 and A5). Demonstration 1:Two Bluetooth Shield Connect This demo will show you how to connect two Bluetooth shield. You need two piece of Seeeduino V3.0, a Grove - Button, and a Grove - LED. One Bluetooth Shield as Master while the other as Slave, and there's a Botton connect to the Master, a Led connect to Slave. When the button press up, the led in Slave will change. Hardware Installation Firstly, we choose a Bluetooth Shield as Master, and plug Grove - Button to D8,D9 of this Bluetooth Shield. For the Slave, we connetc Grove - Led to it's D8,D9 Grove. And D7 as TX, D6 as RX, as folowing: ![enter image description here][1] Download Code and Upload You can download the code in github, click here,then extract it to libraries folder of Arduino. Open Arduino IDE, open File -> Examples -> Bluetooth_Shield_Demo_Code -> Master_Button, then you can open the code of Master Open Arduino IDE, open File -> Examples -> Bluetooth_Shield_Demo_Code -> Slave_led, then you can open the code of Slave Click Upload to Upload the code, if you have any problem about how to start Arduino, please click here for some help. ![enter image description here][2] Check The Result After finish Uploading the code to both Master and Slave, reset the two devices meanwhile You can see the red and green led blink, indicate that devices was initializing and connecting. After about servel seconds, only green led blink, indicate that Master and Slave had connected. Now you can press up the button, then the led will change its state. Note: If the phenomenon is not observed above, try unplugging the power and re-plug in again. Demonstration 2:Connect to Smart Phone This demo will show you how to connect Bluetooth Shield to a Smart Phone. We need a Seeeduino V3.0, a Grove - Temperature Sensor, and what's more, a Smart Phone that with Bluetooth function. Via a Bluetooth SPP App, we send a 't' to Bluetooth Shield, then it'll return the temperature. Hardware Installation Plug Grove - Temperature Sensor to A4,A5 Grove of Bluetooth Shield. TX connect to D7 while RX connect to D6. as folowing: ![enter image description here][3] Download Code and Upload You can download the code in github, click here,then extract it to libraries folder of Arduino. Open Arduino IDE, File -> Examples -> Bluetooth_Shield_Demo_Code -> Slave_Temperature, then you can open the code Click Upload to Upload the code, if you have any problem about how to start Arduino, please click here for some help. ![enter image description here][4] From:http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/Bluetooth_Shield [1]: /editor/20160112/569492110a16f.png [2]: /editor/20160112/569492204cbb9.png [3]: /editor/20160112/5694923893243.png [4]: /editor/20160112/5694924a986e7.png
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ID Name Designator Quantity
1 1uF6V C1 1
2 1uF50V C8,C10 2
3 10uF C9 1
4 4.7uF50V C11 1
5 XC6206 U1 1
6 100nF C16,C17,C15,C14 4
7 100K R10 1
8 1K R11 1
11 1uF25V C2,C3,C6,C7,C4,C5 6
12 B0540W D3,D2,D1 3
13 0.47 R1 1
14 1uF C12,C13 2
16 74VHC125PW U2,U3 2
17 3K3 R2,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8,R9,R3 8
19 GT20L16P1Y U5 1
20 SI1304BDL Q2 1
21 10uF C19 1
22 PAD-MARK P1,P2 2
23 CSAC0420-10R10uH L1 1


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