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STD Grove - Digital Infrared Temperature Sensor


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Update time: 2021-04-10 20:57:19
Creation time: 2016-07-11 10:58:29
![enter image description here][1] ![enter image description here][2] ![enter image description here][3] ![enter image description here][4] **DESCRIPTION** making it very powerful, rich social environment and market value. The more people participate, the more rapid development, the greater the potential market, followed by the more purposes. Currently, besides the children's education above-mentioned,it also can be used as basic computer, home theater HD player etc. **Features:** 1、Wide Temperature Detecting Range 40 to 85°C for sensor temperature 40 to 115°C for object temperature 2、High accuracy of 1°C over wide temperature 3、Measurement resolution of 0.02°C 4、Embedded emissivity compensation 5、Power saving mode ![enter image description here][5] **Documents:** Please visit our [wiki][6] page for more info about this product. It will be appreciated if you can help us improve the documents, add more demo code or tutorials. For technical support, please post your questions to our forum. For more detail, please visit: http://www.seeedstudio.com/item_detail.html?p_id=2385 [1]: /editor/20160711/5783bb7d649ee.png [2]: /editor/20160711/5783bb81179d8.png [3]: /editor/20160711/5783bb858b819.png [4]: /editor/20160711/5783bb8ae89bf.png [5]: /editor/20160711/5783bb99ce0ee.png [6]: http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/Grove_-_Digital_Infrared_Temperature_Sensor
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 MLX90615SSG U2 4P-D5.4MM*2.7H 1
2 XC6206302MR U1 SOT23 1
3 16V 10uF C12 AVX-A 1
4 2N7002 Q1,Q2 SOT23 2
5 SMD-Grove J1 4P-SMD-2.0 1
6 DNP C4,C3 C0603 2
7 100nF C1,C2,C5 C0603 3
8 4.7k R1,R3,R4,R5 R0603 4
9 NO TP2,TP3,TP1,TP4,TP6 TP-D45MIL 5


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