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STD Grove - Green LED


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Update time: 2022-01-17 05:48:57
Creation time: 2016-01-14 02:28:40
Grove - Green LED ----------------- ![enter image description here][1] A general purpose LED module in Grove form factor, available in different colors. The ingenious PCB design enables you to bend the LED to any position you want, which makes it easy to use it standalone, horizontal or Panel Mount(from left to right in below pics) Specification Standard Grove connector Operate voltage: 3.3v/5v Emitting Color: Green For all Grove users (especially beginners), we provide you guidance PDF documents. Please download and read through Preface - Getting Started and Introduction to Grove before your using of the product. Features Grove compatible interface 3.3V/5V Compatible Adjustable LED orientation Adjustable LED brightness Specification Item Description LED Control Mode Digital Pin of Arduino Working Voltage 5V Supply Mode Grove Interface Usage : With Arduino ------------ Here we show how to use Arduino to control the state of the LED. 1. Connect the LED to Base Shield's digital port 2 with 4pin Grove Cable.Of course you can change to other valid digital ports if it's necessary and the definitions of the port should be changed too. 2. Plug it onto the Arduino/Seeeduino. Connect the board to PC using USB cable. ![![enter image description here][2]][3] 3. Copy the demo code to your sketch, then upload to Arduino or Seeeduino board. Please click here if you do not know how to upload. You will see the LED blink every second. /************************* 2012 Seeedstudio ************************** * File Name : GroveLEDDemoCode.ino * Author : Seeedteam * Version : V1.1 * Date : 18/2/2012 * Description : Demo code for Grove - LED *************************************************************************/ #define LED 2 //connect LED to digital pin2 void setup() { // initialize the digital pin2 as an output. pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); // set the LED on delay(500); // for 500ms digitalWrite(LED, LOW); // set the LED off delay(500); } With Rasberry Pi: ----------------- Connect the LED to Port D4 and power on the Raspberry Pi, using the Grove wire connector. This is a test to make led blinking. You can connect to GrovePi+ with it as the picture below. ![enter image description here][4] # GrovePi LED Blink example import time from grovepi import * # Connect the Grove LED to digital port D4 led = 4 pinMode(led,"OUTPUT") time.sleep(1) while True: try: #Blink the LED digitalWrite(led,1) # Send HIGH to switch on LED time.sleep(1) digitalWrite(led,0) # Send LOW to switch off LED time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: # Turn LED off before stopping digitalWrite(led,0) break except IOError: # Print "Error" if communication error encountered print "Error" Run The Program Find the path to the file(According to your own path) cd GrovePi/Software/Python/ Run Program sudo python grove_led_blink.py From:For more detail, please visit: http://www.seeedstudio.com/item_detail.html?p_id=1144 [1]: http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/bmz_cache/f/f27040ee3d12783bbf6490a99ca1512e.image.530x397.jpg [2]: http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/images/thumb/0/0e/Grove-LED.jpg/500px-Grove-LED.jpg [3]: http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/images/thumb/0/0e/Grove-LED.jpg/500px-Grove-LED.jpg [4]: /editor/20160114/569709a2d255b.png
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ID Name Designator Quantity
2 1K R1,R4 2
3 DIP Grove J1 1
4 Round - 1*2P-2.54 D1 1
5 1K R2 1
6 220 R3 1
8 S9013 Q1 1
9 100K R5 1


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