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STD Pi Zero USB hat

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

Cloned from Pi Zero Robo HAT

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Update time: 2022-02-05 21:22:36
Creation time: 2019-01-27 04:05:43
HAT or pHAT for Raspberry Pi. Designed with the Pi Zero W in mind, so it shares the footprint of the Zero. HAT has an ATmega328PB connected via I2C, SPI and UART,allowing both flashing, and many forms of communication. Included a space for a Mini DC-DC voltage regulator. These are good for 3A of power, but make sure to solder the 5V pads and cut the ADJ pad lead. Headers for SPI(ICSP) and both I2C busses available ATmega328PU has the following linked to it: - MPU6050 IMU on the 2nd I2C bus (0x68) and interrupt linked - 2 MX1508 motor drivers, MAX 10v, providing 4x1.5A PWM driven motors - 4 Servo headers with 5v attached - Voltage divider for monitoring battery level on ADC3
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